Monday, May 22, 2017

Strange days at the dino cave.

Dr. Hadrosaur and Flower??????
How Dr. H and Flower met...
(Six months before the Cruise.)

Kindly  old Dr. Hadrosaur, a  grass eating duckbill, and Flower, Gretta's hippy sister, have been "seeing each other"????
"Now Flower has always been rather odd for a Raptor"  said Bob diplomacy.
"Odd?...She is down right nuts" Grrr said. "Woodstock...that time in the Commune...peace and love from a Raptor?????!!!!!"
 "They met at the New Age shoppe and now they are walking around holding claws...well, duck bills don't really have claws..holding paws?" replied Bob
"Dr. H is starting to wear tie-dyed shirts and jeans  to work instead of his lab coat and British suits and Flower is drawing pictures of "natural organic colors".
Said Grrr.

"A Hadrosaur and a Raptor???
 Who ever heard of such a thing?????"  Asked a shocked Grrr.

Image result for picture of a hippy dinosaur

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