Friday, December 15, 2023

Grrr woke up..part 2

 "I see you monkey people did a great job while we Dinos were napping." replied Grrr 

"Hey ya rotten reptile, at least we humans were not off napping!" replied Bob

"Well you would have looked a lot better if you were. We left you with a smart human and you let him be replaced by a being who cannot even walk up or on a stage!"

"Well he can urr  and he is ur...Ok ya got me pal but I did not vote for him."

Grrr replied"I never could see this voting business. Any who want to be head rex, well one goes up one side of the volcano and the other dino goes up the other. As you know who ever comes down is head Rex. That is the logical way to do this political stuff. Toss me a cold Root bear buddy? It has been a long sleep.

Gee, said Bob with a evil look I forgot do you take "Lite" or "Diet" RB??

"What! Asked Grrr, with a roar of horror "you gotta be kidding."

Welcome ALL

All of the people  from our site are welcome here! 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Grrr woke up!

 "Hey pal, Boy do you look older".Said Grrr

"Thanks a lot you rotten reptile"replied Bob

" need to get mad at me. I told ya hibernation was good for you, We do it every few years."

said Grrr.

"Yeah? Well humans dont waste time sleeping! We got the world to run"! Bob replied

"OK  if you say so old ape But is the world in any better shape since we Dinos took a little nap? asked Grrr.

"Well uh  No. we got two going on three wars and inflation and .." said Bob

"I see you monkey people did a great job while we Dinos were napping." replied Grrr 

to be continued

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Big Foot part 2

Big Foot...and  Grrr.
"Look BF, ask yourself why do humans want to trap you or take your picture?"...asked Grrr.
"I don't know said BF, but it is very annoying".
"Look buddy, people love you, you are a mystical creature..a wonder...Grrr said.
"You think so?, I never looked at it that way".replied BF.
"But look, Grrr, even if that is so, I still need my space"
"Sure you do and the way you get it is to give the people what they want, I have some pals in show business, I can set you up with them...if it works out, you make enough to buy your own forest and since people see you on TV, the mystery is gone and there is no reason to bug you anymore in your forest". 
"Grrr, asked a hopeful BF, you think so? It would be nice to have my own forest for the wife and kids".......


Grrr and his Buddy  Big Foot.

Is that "Bigfoot"?

Bigfoot had come to the "Wellness Center" to see Grr

"I tella, Grrr, I am tired of all the remarks about my feet. If you look at the rest of my family, I don't even have big feet." "Look BF, ask yourself why do humans want to trap you or take your picture?"...asked Grrr.

" You know, you could be looking at this the wrong way said Grrr.
This could be a very good thing for you".
"Good? How can this be good? I cannot set foot in my own forest without some nut of a human trying to trap me or take a picture. I tell ya Grrr a creature needs some time to himself." Replied Bigfoot.
"We Bigfeet are peaceful types who love the woods and the silence of nature..I..."
"Buddy, said Grrr, I understand but the best way to get the humans NOT to bother you is to go on TV...get your face before the public..than people leave you alone. "
"That, Grrr is the nuttiest thing I ever heard....get some peace by going to the humans???"
To be continued

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Hope we have better luck

Roughly between 1820 and 1916 Great Britain was the WORLD POWER. Money in endless supply and wars only against lesser powers. Some of them hard frought to be sure but the result was never in question as long as Britain wanted to fight.
Until WW l and war against a peer power.
Britain came out on the winning side and even picked up some land for the ole empire. But never fully recovered.
WWll finished the Brits off.
I hope we have better luck next major war.
We, as the Brits learned, will not always be fighting goat herders.
Lots of nations know how drones are made or defeated.

Monday, June 19, 2023

16 century view of Religion

 American History Religion in the age of exploration.

If you would understand American History, you must first understand the 16th Century view of Religion. People, they believed, were all created by God. Life on Earth was by its nature short and uncertain.
To be blunt . King or Serf or townsman, You never knew when you would die and if you died with major sins on your soul, it was hell for you and hell was seen as an unending torture chamber! The pain would never stop only get worse.
Therefore any thing you could do to save your soul was worth it and if you could make a few bucks or get some land for a better life on earth..that was just icing on the cake.
Your HOME was not on Earth. Earth was simply a place you were visiting for a short time.
Your HOME was in heaven and as long as Americans believed that, they could not be oppressed. They would fight and either win or die and go home to a better world.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

American History.

 American History.

There is much on the net that is downright wrong about our national history that I feel called to set it right
Religion..That may well have been the basic reason many people came to America. In Europe, of 1600's, You basically followed the religion of your Prince or got the ax. You either went along at ,some felt, the risk of their soul, or left. You must understand the concept of the Afterlife, heaven or hell was very real to these people. Now if you believed in your King or Prince's religion no problem, but some did not and from about 1600 (1500 about for Spain or Portugal) there was, if you dared, the New World. Spain offered the chance for wealth and a spiritual reward to it's conquestors in conversion of the natives. Saving souls was a pious act and a very good way to save your own. One hears much about the cruel ways of Spain toward the indians. 700 years fighting the Muslims did not turn the men of Spain into peace corps types. None the less, their souls and the ones they believed they could save were a very strong motive.
Tomorrow Virginia

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Grrr handed Bob his card. It read" Grrr the mighty T -REX."

 Grrr handed Bob his card. It read" Grrr the mighty T -REX."

"What do ya think pal?" asked Grrr

"Well", replied Bob, "it is very nice but what is the point? I mean everyone knows you are  a mighty T Rex. They just gotta look."

"Gad" said Grrr. "Sometimes pal I worry about ya."

"What is that supposed to mean? You overgrown garden lizard?" replied Bob 

"Sometimes I think I ought to just eat you and put you out of your misery.. It.must hurt to be so dumb" replied Grrr.

Gretta called from the kitchen. "Gerrr Rex dont you dare! How will I explain that to Stef?"

"Not to worry Gretta" replied Bob. turning the bolt on his Mauser. 

"Put that down Bob!  yelled Stef. "Before you hurt Grrr."

  "Guys" said Stef to Gretta and they exchanged the "wife look"

"Look pal" Said Grrr handing Bob a cup of coffee  and donuts. "Sometimes I forget that you were not in Hollywood.  "It is all about the image. recall "Father knows Best?" "Sure." replied Bob

"Who was the hero?" asked Grrr. "The father "replied Bob.  

"How many shows today show Dad or almost  any man as anything but a fool?" asked Grrr

"Well, there is ..UH...gotta be one..Cop shows  some...I think? Said Bob

"To you Barney Miller was Dragnet?"asked Grrr

"Well no" replied Bob  "But there are Cop movies. That guy with the .44"

,"Sure." Replied Grrr.  "Hero cop fighting crooks and the evil system..same plot..ever wonder why the evil system is called THE MAN?"

"All marketing and all PR" said Grrr.."The guys and Gals  in Holly wood and TV land shape the mind. May take some time but it is done. You humans smoked for 500 years. Today ?? How many smoke? "

"Very few" admitted Bob

"See it is all image...So ya see If I dont wanna be seen as big bird I need that card." replied Grrr.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Ya gotta know when to quit.

 Bob and Grrr were sitting around waiting for the rain to stop when Bob asked" ya know pal ya never tole me why you gave up being a movie star. Lot of parts you and Gretta could have and judging by the calls still  could have ? "

"Well old ape" replied Grrr the mighty T Rex, "Ya gotta know when to quit. The camera for the most part likes the young and Dont tell Gretta I said this. We were not the hot young dinos we once were."

"Interesting" said Bob. " But still I recall stars like you two going 40 50 years!  You two are greats".

"Thanks pal. Nothing a actor likes to hear more. Still the Camera does not lie and I never had Bruce's head for the deal making part of the movies . Time to go.  You were kind enough to let us be class dinos and that chance does not come often...even if the wolf children glued my feet to the desk."   

"Yeah,They let the air out of my tires and recall when one pulled the chair in the hall and I fell on my butt?" said Bob with a grin.

"yeah, and they hid me in a desk that was funny but jelly on my tail....Gretta laughed all night!"

"Yep wolfchildren are NOT for the timid." Replied Bob


Saturday, January 14, 2023

TV AND 1984

 Grrr was rereading 1984. He had heard it when he was a class dino but had not read it. As he read it he keep looking up at the TV.  "You know old Ape Orwell was wrong. You don't need a Ministry of Truth to keep you monkey people in line. You just need a song or a TV!"

"Bah" replied Bob looking up from his history movie on the TV. We humans think for ourselves and use logic and reason"

"Sure you do," said Grrr with an evil T Rex grin. "Who was it that was telling me all the things that movie had wrong?" 

"Well,  yeah." admitted Bob " but  everyone knows  I "

"Everyone does not know pal. That is my point'. 

"Ok. so what? it is just a movie!" said Bob

"My point is made old ape. Everyone does NOT know and many of you apes will see that movie and think that serfs armed with farming tools could defeat armed knights!" replied Grrr

"Ok but it is only a movie" said Bob.

"Yeah? What about a distorted view of history and the ADS! 

Humans are told you take that powder in your drink  or wear this shirt  and a fat guy will look like he spent years in the gym. 

How about the ad before that?  You know, the one that said use this perfume and movie stars will fall at your feet? I spent years in Hollywood pal, and take my word for it; it does not work like that! "         said Grrr.

"Yeah but everyone knows a add....I" replied Bob

"What about when pols  hire other humans to use the same sort of thing to get you apes to vote for them?  You give other humans the power of life and death over you based on what some of you see on TV! 

You tell me that humans know some pols lie but you keep reelecting them based on what you apes see on TV!  Who is primitive now old ape?  Ole George was wrong..All Big Brother needs is some slick writers and TV!!'

Hum...The value of rain


The ladies had gone out and Grrr and Bob were looking out the window on a very rainy day in Dinotown.
"I hate rain." said Bob.
"yeah, me too. Remember when it used to rain at lunch and recess and we all had to stay in the class?" asked Grrr.
"Yeah the woffchildren hated that too" replied Bob. " I Hate the rain."
"yeah, me too." said Grrr.
Going to the icebox for a root beer Grrr said: "Hum seems the girls left us a " honey do list" ".
"What did they want us to do?" asked Bob
"Well, they want us to mow the lawn and pick up leaves and plant stuff."
replied Grrr.
"Humm...Bob looked at Grrr and the guys both looked out the window at the very wet day.
'You know pal," mused Grrr " the rain is kinda nice."

"Very true ole reptile. " replied Bob as he raised his coffee cup. "I love the rain." : )

Friday, January 13, 2023

Some guys got no kindness..said Grrr


Grrrr heard that they were having a pet show at the local golf club.
He wants to fit in so he called RaowRowrMeow, the Saber tooth tiger and asked her to help out...she said "sure" and came over the fence.
Now as you know Raow--Rowr is 15 feet long and 2000 pounds. Kitty size for Grrrr.
Any way they had a open lunch..lots of roasts..that did not go well as she was hungry and being a proper cat..even if a rather large one, she sat down to wash her face after dinner and the head of the local golf club tried to chase her and the kittens. She, being a proper mama cat, had of course brought the family.
Well, scaring the kittens was not wise... She is protective of her kids. She played "Mousie" with the President of the Golf Club.
She told Grrr that she had been insulted and he became angry. "some beings are just Not very kind roared Grrr.
So he and Godzilla, who was visiting from Japan, golf is big in Japan, went to the golf course and they sort of rearranged things Godzilla got kinda carried away and reenacted the part where he visited Tokyo
You think that this will effect my membership application??

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Happy birthday AL !!!!



(Note..Al owns a construction firm  specializing in swamp work and  has built several things for his pals Bob and Grrr.)

What do we get for Al Gator

Al's birthday was coming up and the boys had no idea what to get him.

So being wise, they asked their wives and Flower.

"Well" said Flower. "Al talks sometimes about a dish called Babute that he has when he swims down to Belize,  to visit the family for Christmas.  We could get the recipe and make it."

 "Wonderful, and you know it does get cold here of late, perhaps a nice sweater in green." said Stef.

"Yes,  and you know how Al loves his Earl Gray tea, but he was saying that it just does not taste right from a metal pot. I saw this nice Price and Kinsengton English tea pot in the mall." said Gretta.

Bowing Bob and Grrr both said "We are not worthy!!" 🙂

Well, that Thursday, it was Al's birthday. ( Ok,  if you want to be exact, Hatching Day, but it is the same thing.)

  Being a gentlegater and Southern as well as from a British family  Al was very polite.  "Thank you Y'all  ladies. "Right kind of you folks to have me over I..." Al's nose started to twitch,  "I say chaps, that cannot be!!"

"Oh but it is." said a smiling Flower, the hippy raptor and Gretta's younger sister, as she took the plate cover off a steaming bowl of babute. 

  'For those nights when it gets a bit cold in the swamp,"  Stef said handing Al a thick hand-made green sweater..

. "Really, I don't know what to say"...replied Al.

"Well, you can say that you will stop complaining  about how hard it is, "in the colonies," to find that tea you Limeys drink, " said Bob and Grrr  smiling and handing  Al the British teapot and 50 lbs of Twining Earl Gray."

Happy birthday ya bum".

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Judge by actions not words


"You know it does seem a bit, well Odd LG." said Andre the French Rex said
"Turning from the picture that she was looking at, LG Grrr's girl replied.
"Well, a lot of the "New Art' is conceptional and the artist.."
"No, I mean Rex and Raptor being married and then having human friends." replied Andre
"Oh." said LG with a smile. "Well, mom and daddy were actors before they became Class dinos and they are, as Aunt Flower likes to say, "free souls."
As to the Humans, Uncle Bob gave Grrr the chance to be a Class -Dino and the two just hit it off. They and mom and Aunt Stef have been together for just ages."
"Still, this inter-species mingling... a bit odd don't you think? I.." Andre started to say.
"Andre let me make this clear, I was raised to judge beings by their actions, not their species. Dad says that there are only two types of beings Good and Bad". said LG, her eyes beginning to turn red rather like her father's eyes just before he goes Jurassic.
"That is rather Utopian my dear girl, but in the real world..." said Andre
"I am NOT your "dear girl" and won't be. Good Night and Good Bye Andre ".
Walking off, leaving Andre with his mouth open in surprise, LG took out her Cell phone and called her brother. Grrr Jr. "Brother, I am at the Art Museum, can you give me a ride home?"
"I am right down the block be there in two minutes sis." replied Grrr Jr.
As the dino kids were riding home on Jr.'s bike, he asked "How did it go with Andre?" After LG told him, Jr replied. "Could have told ya sis, that guy has his nose so high in the air, he needs a space helmet. You gonna tell Dad?"
"No. Momma and Aunt Stef or Aunt Flower perhaps, but not Daddy or uncle Bob." You know them." The two kids said together, in a deep voice, "Why I am going Jurassic on that maggot." The Dino kids were laughing together as they got home.

Monday, January 9, 2023

The cleaning problem.

 Bob and Grrr  cup in hand and can in claw were sitting unhappy about the garage,

"You heard the girls pal" said Bob "They said this place was a tad unkempt and we should clean it""i KNOW" replied Grrr. "But it looks fine to me what do yo think?" Looking around Bob replied "Me too" 

"Want to go in first and tell that to Stef and Gretta I mean you are a ole marine ..and Jr hi teacher. How hard can telling the girls be?" said Grrr with a sly T Rex look.

"I got a better Idea." replied Bob. How about YOU old reptile, mightly T Rex that you are go in first and tell Stef and Geretta this place if clean?

"Nope" replied Grrr..."Nope" replied Bob.

"Well pal that proves two things...we are not brave or dumb.!! " replied Bob "Still We gotta do something."  

"I got it! We turn the lights down! If the babes cannot see the mess. It is not there!" said Grrr

"Ole reptile, you are a genius!!! I take back all those cracks about T Rex brains!  " 

Bob and Grrr rushed about turning lights lower and closing the window!


Sunday, January 8, 2023

Grrr's Bugout center

 Grrr, the mighty T Rex, was making a chart and pinning it on the wall of the Bugput room he had made when Bob, his human pal stopped by. "You know, ole reptile, this is a very nice Bug out lair you and Al made, Gretta and Stef decorated it and are even now on the NET looking for "a few nice things" I must say that climate control system and the armory and the BIG supply of eats was a nice touch.".

"Thanks pal. Happy you and Stef like it.  I cannot take full credit.  Al Gator and his crew did most of the work and Vlad flew in the power system he and Bruce found. Those guys are connected everywhere."

 "Well" said Bob. " I am not too surprised at that. Vlad does have long long connections with the big wigs in Europe and Bruce has a fin in everything. Still, I gotta ask why Fusion? Not that I dont like it, but how did you do it?"

"More like why  old ape" replied Grrr. " you know how the girls are about health and organics, and if you apes are right, I have my doubts of course, but if you are right, I did not want fuel made from dead dinos. So I asked around. I was gonna go atomic, but Gretta and Stef would NOT allow it. They saw a vid on Three Mile Island at the ladies club. 

So it had to be Fusion and like I said it helps to have friends!!!  

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Dino bugout 2

 "We" said Grrr. "Me and Al  and the guys are protecting you and Stef from the nutty humans out there!

"what do ya mean you rotten reptile. We humans got bigger brains and can talk out problems  and.." replied Bob

Al Gator..drank his tea and moved his head from Bob to Grrr like a person following an interesting tennis match. 

"Listen old ape." replied Grrr. "Have you gotten your nose out of your old history books long enough to read the News? You monkey people are going Jurassic!"

"What do you mean? we humans use reason and logic and....."

Turning on Bob's TV Grrr said " Oh yeah..just look".

After seeing the mostly peaceful riots riots and the political events going on, 

Bob said " Grrr...Al I have just one thing to say.  You got an extra shovel??"

Friday, January 6, 2023



Bob was sitting,minding his own business, reading a history book when he heard a digging sound coming   from under his floor. Putting down his book and getting  out his 1911, he aimed in at the spot and when a shovel broke through the floor, fired a round saying" Freeze you ((**&^^$% maggot"

 He heard a voice saying  "Study on old chap. Y'll are fixin to scare mah crew" "Al" is that you?"Bob asked recognizing the voice of Al Gator  the builder. "yah! hold on old ape."  "Grrr ?  What the heck are you guys doing under my house?' "Put that thing away will ya? You are scaring Al's crew and I am paying them by the hour!!!!" Putting his 1911 in the desk. Bob saw Grrr's head, wearing  a hard hat, pop out of the hole.

"What am I doing? I do a favor for you ape and not even one lousy can of root beer!"  said Grrr or cup of earl grey! " put in Al  or  glass of sweet tea for us said  the crew" "What do we get??"?  asked  Grrr "That hand cannon of yours..good thing it was not the Mauser!!!"

"Ok..ok.." said Bob as he handed out root beer and Earl Grey and sweet tea "But you guys come diggi  ng through my floor! What is going on?

"We" said Grrr. "Me and Al  and the guys are protecting you and Stef from the nutty humans out there!

To be continued 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Someone runs that team

 TEAM PLAYER...Hum..that did not fly at Nuremberg.

The born in stay in social class

 Upon reflection I think what the USA had against slavery was the concept the one could be born into slavery and needed the permission of another to be free,

That is "classism" The idea that one is born into and must stay in a social class. Ok. For Euros perhaps; but we had said "men are born free" The very concept of born social class stank in the nose of most Americans. That is why , I think, they would not let the South leave as long as they had slaves and even if it took a war, and it did, they were going to end it. It is not that the people of the North in 1861 believed in what we call "diversity" they did not as a whole. But the nation of 1861 was not the nation of 1789. The nation was tied together by press, rail, and telegraph. People of the mid 19 century knew, and knowing,they were not having the born in your class..stay in your class system in America.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

New tax??

 Alas I am not a billionaire  not even a lousy millionaire so Joe said he was gonna look after me,

Gee.. So joe? Why are prices going up while you GIVE $ to foreign nations???

That is NOT what I call good looking out pal.