Saturday, January 14, 2023

TV AND 1984

 Grrr was rereading 1984. He had heard it when he was a class dino but had not read it. As he read it he keep looking up at the TV.  "You know old Ape Orwell was wrong. You don't need a Ministry of Truth to keep you monkey people in line. You just need a song or a TV!"

"Bah" replied Bob looking up from his history movie on the TV. We humans think for ourselves and use logic and reason"

"Sure you do," said Grrr with an evil T Rex grin. "Who was it that was telling me all the things that movie had wrong?" 

"Well,  yeah." admitted Bob " but  everyone knows  I "

"Everyone does not know pal. That is my point'. 

"Ok. so what? it is just a movie!" said Bob

"My point is made old ape. Everyone does NOT know and many of you apes will see that movie and think that serfs armed with farming tools could defeat armed knights!" replied Grrr

"Ok but it is only a movie" said Bob.

"Yeah? What about a distorted view of history and the ADS! 

Humans are told you take that powder in your drink  or wear this shirt  and a fat guy will look like he spent years in the gym. 

How about the ad before that?  You know, the one that said use this perfume and movie stars will fall at your feet? I spent years in Hollywood pal, and take my word for it; it does not work like that! "         said Grrr.

"Yeah but everyone knows a add....I" replied Bob

"What about when pols  hire other humans to use the same sort of thing to get you apes to vote for them?  You give other humans the power of life and death over you based on what some of you see on TV! 

You tell me that humans know some pols lie but you keep reelecting them based on what you apes see on TV!  Who is primitive now old ape?  Ole George was wrong..All Big Brother needs is some slick writers and TV!!'

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