Friday, August 13, 2021

A kinder gentler t rex


Back At Work.

As he walked down the corridor of "The Personal Integration and Wellness Center," with his white coat on, Grrr thought about the cases that he would see today.

Most of them, were not too interesting but there was one that he found inviting.

There was a brontosaurus named Bernard who seemed to have problems eating leaves.
As Grrr walked into his office he saw Bernard waiting.

"Good morning young fellow". He said. "How can I help you this morning?"
 "I don't know Dr."said Bernard.  "I was just thinking, you know, what what if the leaves.. I mean what if the leaves are polluted?
How would we know? I haven't been able to eat for days !
I don't know what to do.  The air ... what about the volcano.. What about global warming and the new Ice Age?
My professor at Dino College said that we should be aware and listed all the things in the going wrong.
I don't know what to do!"

"Humm."..said Grrr. "Is there anything else my boy?"
"Well Dr.", said Bernard "Every time I look at TV it appears that there's one crisis after another:
 the economy is bad the weather is changing satellites may fall from the sky is very frightening."
Humm. Is there anything else?
"Well," said Bernard. "I don't know if life is worth living. Sometimes I'm so confused."
Rising from behind his desk, Grrr said. "Come with me."
A few minutes later Grrr and his  nervous patient were in a clearing in the jungle in front of the wellness center.
 Advancing to his full to T-Rex  height and smiling with a mouthful of six-inch serrated fangs, Grrr said to Bernard "If I catch you before you get to the other side of the clearing you are lunch.
 I will give you 10 seconds head start."

Bernard looked at Grrr as if he were kidding, but one roar and Bernard was fleeing  across the clearing. Grrr walked up to Bernard, as  he, Bernard was trying to climb a tree not an easy thing for a bronto to do.

"Well, my boy ".said Grrr. "Still think that you have nothing to live for?"
"No  omg  no!!.  said Bernard "Please don't eat me".
"Why not?" said Grrr. " You said you had nothing to live for."
"Because I want to stay alive, I  here are many things I want to do".

"Do you still feel that life has no meaning?" Asked Grrr
"Why... why no".  said Bernard. .."Does that mean I am cured Dr.?"
 "Yes. Go out and enjoy life my son and pay no attention to those silly beings that make a living selling fear."

PC WOKE is a religion

 Now I get it. PC WOKE is Not a political ideal but a religion! 

You are not right or wrong. You are woke or EVIL.

You may want to join

free may want to join

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Why the Federal Constitution matters.

Pols of both parties by the very act of winning office think they are smart and the longer they sit in seats of power, and get their feet kissed the smarter they think they are. Soon they think or are led to think that "If only I were master or mistress of the nation what a better place it would be." that is simply human nature. TR,.Wilson FDR...LBJ... none of them started out to be an imperial president..but they just KNEW a better way. Of course that way leads to der fuhrer. That is why the Constitution matters it sets limits on the pols and keeps our republic our republic.
Read also your state constitutions and city or town charters.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

American political power

 If we cannot trust the king who can we trust? Did we suffer and war to be rid of a tyrant king 3000 miles away only to make 3000 tyrants kings a mile away?

That was indeed the question for Americans of 1780
SO power was to be a federal system, Up to about 1930..the states had more power than the Fed And the local cities and towns more power over the daily life of Americans than the State. That was not seen as overmuch a problem as local pols had to acknowledge the power of their near neighbors. Now the state governments were more of a problem but even they were reachable. AH..but a national Government ...that may be a problem. Recall the king and parliament? So what to do. Well as in the towns and states they would include Separation of powers. The power to make law would belong to the Congress. The power to interpret law to the Courts The power to enforce laws that do the President. It is true that the King once had this power but by diving it power could check power.
Ah, you say. But what of Congress? What stops it from being as absolulist as Parliament under Lord North? That was the job of the Constitution and it is why we have a republic and not a democracy .
tomorrow The inner workings
Foot notes:
City council(makes local law) city courts (decides if laws are broken) mayor.Enforces local laws State legislature Makes state law)..state courts( Decide if state laws are broken) Govenior( enforces state laws)


Views of human nature

Two views of human nature.
One view is that while people can be kind if circumstances allow they will alway put their own interest first.Therefor power must be held in check by power.
The other view is that people are born good and thus may be trusted with power.
The second is the view many once held of monarchy and many today hold of some pols.
The men who wrote our Constitution and the Americans who had just finished fighting King George lll, took the first view

Why the Constitution?

 Why the Constitution?

People in the colonies as we were in those days, believed that they were British living in His majesty's American colonies and with the full rights and freedom of English men. The Royal army was seen as their army and heros. Girls would proudly wear a solider's button and boys wanted to enlist. Even Washington wanted a commission in the Royal Navy and for some years see himself as a officer in his majesty's loyal Virginia Militia.
So why the change?
The WAR. Americans were shocked out of their socks to see Hessians, german troops hired by the British, let alone British troops fire on them and burn their towns. The feeling after the war was; If we don't trust the King and his Army, we cannot trust ANY with unguarded power. Thus was born the Articles of Confederation and later the Constitution. Government they said was like fire, Something needed but something you must keep under control.
The Constitution and failing that an armed American people were that control.
Tomorrow; American separation of powers and federalism as a means of control

Constitution 101 again


You are born with your rights. You agree to place Limited limits on your rights to gain the benefits of society. For example you may feel like mowing the lawn at 3 am but your neighbors would find that annoying. But you want those neighbors about if you should need their aid. So you accept a limit on your right to mow in exchange for the possible benefit of having neighbors who may help you. HOWEVER as an American you place limits on how many and how much you will give up those rights.
Thus a federal Constitution which empowers and limits the Federal government NOT accept as they freely agree to it, the American people.
Tomorrow: Why the Constitution?