Saturday, March 31, 2018

Theory of the monarch or social order

Theory of the monarch or social order
In every nation there are, there has to, be a group of powerful men or women that run things. It has been that way since Sumer. That gives the nation stability and prevents civil war..which no one in power likes as they got a LOT to lose and little to gain. Unless some "upstart " from out side that in-group gets power. Then, until a new balance is restored, chaos breaks loose. That is what happened here in the USA. in 08 and 16. A Bush or a Clintion was supposed to win in 2016. Mr Obama started to upset things in 08 when he took the chair from Clinton that started the shift but his giving her a high place sort of calmed the waters a tad "sort of" as by reports they did not see eye to eye. Mr.Trump did the same when he took the chair from Bush and change accelerated. The whole"resist" movement pushed things into overdrive. Clintion simply could not stand being pushed aside in what she KNEW was her last chance to be President and many "never Trump" types in the GOP hate Mr Trump for pushing Jeb aside,
Bush or Clintion WERE meant to be according the parties the rightful heirs!!!

But in the USA We the people rule.
IF, Trump runs and wins in 2020, thing clam down and balance is restored
So I suspect a Kennedy or a Clintion or a Bush will run to try and take back power.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Constitution 101 ... The President election and powers

The President  is elected every four years not by the people directly but by the College  of Electors.
Who ever gets the majority of  citizens votes in a state gets the electors of that state and who ever gets the most electors wins. We have been doing it that way since Washington. The President Must  be at least 35 years old; A natural born Citizen (Historically that has been taken to mean Born in the USA) and have lived in the USA at least 14 years before election.
The President has several jobs  all balanced by Congress.
A: The President is commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, yet unless the country is in such danger as to not allow delay, Congress must issue the authority  before the President can act and the money to pay for the salary of the troops and the beans and bullets MUST come from Congress.
B. The President is the head of the executive dept which includes the DOJ  the FBI  the CIA  the NSA the DHS  etc. Yet the money must again come from Congress and the laws passed by congress guides what the President may or may not do with those depts.
C. The President can pass EOs  and sign EA as for example Mr Obama did; but if they cost money Congress can  withhold funds. Granted the President appoints federal judges and Dept heads  and can negotiate treaties but again the Senate must agree.
D. The President can pressure the Congress by the use of the Veto or he or she may appeal directly to the American People as FDR did with Fireside chats and Mr Trump does with his Tweets and the People if they agree can pressure the Congress. But Congress can also speak to the people.
E.The President is also the head of his or her political party. Since 1917 and more so since 1945; The American president has taken the place of the British Prime Minister as the head of the richest and most powerful nation on Earth..When he or she speaks people listen.
F. The Federal courts by tradition have the power to block the actions of the president.
You will have noted by now that the president while a person of power has that power balanced by the Congress as set up by the Constitution and by tradition by the Federal Court system
This "GIDLOCK" is not an accident.
The writers of the Constitution feared that a president might think himself or herself a monarch and set up a system to balance that power.

Image result for Picture of a president

President in theory .Monday

Thursday, March 29, 2018

How the heck does a vampire have undead issues? part VIII

 "I got him a job from a friend, you know the Creature? He loves water and his pool was opened all night for a while   Boris being a life guard there all was good .then..then.. " Said Vlad to Grrr.
Bob meanwhile  pulled his moped into Dr H's drive way and banged on that duck bills door! "Doc common!  It is an emergency!!" The wise elderly Hadrosaur stuck his head out the door and said.." Um Bob... I... that is to say ...that it is most  unnerving .."  " Doc. Vlad is in bad shape Grrr sent me if you dont get it in gear..." Putting down her Tibetan prayer wheel Flower, the hippy raptor and Dr H's beloved mate said.." Dear one if a soul is in darkness, it is part of our karma to guide it back into the light.  We must go with Bob dear heart. I will get our car."
Dr H and Bob jumped into their electric car and followed  by Flower, riding the moped  back to Grrr's cave.
Bob did his best to explain the case to Dr H.
As they drove, Dr. H listed to Bob and falling deep into contemplation almost hit a tree.!!!
"Hum...I think I may be able to help.  Indeed this may help another client as well!
Dr H saves the day!

Image result for picture of a lady vampire

Constitution 101 The President

The president.
Understand, under the Constitution, We The People, Elect ( elect means chose to give some of our power to ) the person we want as President and He or she picks the people he/she wants to work for him/her to do a certain job. So the president works for us and he picks people to help him or her do that. BUT the President is in charge of the people he picks. Sorta like you take your car to the shop and the guy says trans needs fluid but it would be better to put in a whole new trans. Now he is telling you the truth as he sees it. But you dont want that, for your own reasons, so you say just fix the one I have and He does. He may give advise but he works for you and YOU decide. It is the same with the President, his people advise ...he decides. That is what WE the People elected him to do.
Tomorrow: election and powers

Image result for Picture of a president

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

How the heck does a vampire have undead issues? part VII

"..and and and Grrr mine friend Ve do not have a week..the Tanning parlor opens tomorrow night"..whispered Vlad!
"Hum" said Grrr in his best professional councilor manner. "What started all of this? If we know the root we may find a cure."
"It ..It all started when Boris flew in form the old country..I was so happy when his earth box arrived that I wanted to show him America..I took him to the Movies and gave his account to the blood bank..we in my family You understand dont want to hurt anyone..but it was TV and the big flat screen I got at Wally the old country they just have black and white and color TV was new to him..He He HE always had a thing an interest in the ole Bay Watch show and too too see it in color. Well. he could not get enough and then the Computer the blasted Net.  The Idea that you are  are not what you are  but but what you identify as...He  started to "Identify as a lifeguard '  The red swimming pants and the whistle ..that  but got so. I got him a job from a friend, you know the Creature? He loves water and his pool was opened all night for a while   Boris being a life guard there all was good .then..then.. 

Dr H,arrives
Image result for picture of a swimming bay

The legislative branch. Constitution 101 (Theory)

Ok this is the theory

You now know the Congress creates the bills which the President signs into law  and you also know that the Congress can override a veto and make a bill into law. A  president may be impeached if he does not enforce the laws passed by Congress.   I know Mr Obama played games claiming " prosecutorial discretion"  but the political reality is, that being Mr Obama( first black president) and having his party control the Senate and the Media loved him . He got away with it. (Note that even  he waited till his last election and last few years in office to do it. Yep politics does play a hand.)
But that aside. The only body given the power to make laws under the Constitution IS the Congress.  (An EO is not a law  nor does the Constitution give the Federal judges or Justices the power to law make from the bench, I know it is done. More on that when we get to the judicial branch )
So why did they make it so hard to pass a Federal law.?
Simple.  ANY law even the most needful,  is a restriction on freedom. Now, they said men are not angels,  so the founders knew from experience that laws would be NEEDED , but they also knew that lawmaking is a habit forming drug...power corrupts and absolute power corrupts being wise they made it very very hard to pass laws.

The 3/5 compromise  this has been so misreported it is enough to drive a history teacher nuts.
(Yes they had slaves and yes we should have gotten rid of it in 1789  but You must judge a man or woman by the rules of his or her time...other wise we can say  Napoléon Bonaparte was a bad general becouse he did not use drones at Waterloo.)

The House of Representatives was considered the MOST important part of Congress as only they can start any bill that needs money and to have effect almost anything needs money. Seats in the House are awarded by population...the more people in your state the more seats and votes you get. So the slave holding states wanted the slaves counted as part of the state population.  The North said NO!  If you want seats free the slaves The slave holding states wanting cheap labor said NO..but England and France and the Indians were still out there and it was seen as a case of unite of die, So the States comprised:  60% three  out of five slaves would be counted for seats...The slave holding states saw that as a victory. So it had nothing to do with 3/5 of a was a matter of voting.

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Monday, March 26, 2018

How the heck does a vampire have undead issues? part vi

Vlad cried rocking back and forth his head in his hands. It is an awful sight to see a grown man, much less a 130 year old  vampire, cry!!!  
Bob and Grrr looked at each other...they were so shocked they forgot their Coffee and Root beer!!!      
Putting on his white lab coat and pullout his pipe Grrr said "This is a professional matter" Grrr worked at the Dino town "Wellness Center" as a councilor.."Bob" Grrr whispered,  "Go get Dr H. He is home now and get back here as quick as you can this is a serious case, I will do what I can till you get back!" "Got it pal..on my way" Bob jumped on his Moped and took off down the block toward Dr. H and Flower(the hippy raptor, Gretta's pack sister) house.
In his calmist professional voice and moving very slowly. Grrr handed Vlad a fresh bottle of type "O" and asked  "What do you think can be done? If Boris wants a tan, and I can see the problem with that for a vampire, has he considered a spray on tan? They used to use that a lot when me and Gretta were in the movie business."  Clutching  his bottle of type "O" and looking a tad more in control Vlad replied."I..I suggested that and it was one of the reasons that I came to see you. I I knew that you had been an actor and hoped that you you might still have your makeup kit. They do not sell any tanning  lotion in town and it would take a week to buy it on line..and and and Grrr mine friend Ve do not have a week..the Tanning parlor opens tomorrow night!!!!!!!

Dr H...tomorrow.Image result for picture of a worried vampire

The legislative branch. Constitution 101

(Now I know that Congress that is the House and the Senate have a lot of procedural rules they made for themselves over the past 220 years. For that read a good history book. This is Constitution 101)
Article 1
The Legislative Branch
This IS the body that makes the laws.
The Congress is divided into two different houses...Originally the Senate was chosen by the state governments( that changed in 1913 with the 17th Amendment.  We now have direct election of Senators ) and was to be among other things a sort of cabinet of advisers for the President.
Senators were meant to be older and wiser  You had to be 30 to be in the Senate but only 25 to be in the House. The Senate had to confirm people appointed to office by the president and approve treaties; this was meant to be a CHECK on the power of the President. He could NOT appoint  his followers to high positions in the state or the Armed forces unless the Senate agreed. Yep.  You cannot make general or admiral  unless the Senate approves.  The Senate and the House must both agree to  propose a law  (called until the president signs  it a BILL) and work together to override a veto. The Senate has 2 members from each state so 100 and they split into 3 equal classes each class elected ever 2 years for a 6 year term in office.
By tradition going back to Tocqueville who speaks of it. The Senate is seen as the older wiser part of the Congress.
The House of Representatives (25 years old to enter and a 2 year term) controls the power of the purse  $$$$$ All bills that need money to pay for them MUST start in the House, that was to make sure that the people kept control. Cannot raise an army with out money.. and with out an army you cannot enforce your will on a free people.(This assumes of course that WE the PEOPLE get off our butts and make sure that we change pols every few years so that they KNOW they will have to answer to the People.
 Only the House can impeach  ...that is accuse a pol:  President or Federal Judge of a crime..(the Senate tries the case)
The Congress that is the Senate and the House Must agree on a bill before it can be sent to the president .  The president may sign a bill into law..or veto it that is send it back with a list of wha he or she sees as corrections  bu the Congress may over ride that veto with a 2/3 vote  ..check on the power of the president
The whole Constitution is only about 6 pages long and it was made as clear as possible. So if we dont read it and make the pols follow is our own fault.
The Constitution only requires a majority vote to pass a bill in the House or the Senate. Reid

So as I understand it only a majority vote is now needed  but the GOP unlike the Dems lack the will to push things through.  All of Mr Trump's people could have been confirmed in a week and so far as the Constitution goes the GOP can pass or block any bill they wish.  End of rant.Image result for picture of Congress

Sunday, March 25, 2018

How the heck does a vampire have undead issues? part v it all started with the internet

"Well, it all started with the internet. Ve, being children of the night'. Vlad said.  "As you know are up at night;  and all  Boris did was watch "Baywatch". I told him that he needed a hobby. When you live forever,  You need a past time. Mine is acting and classic film.  My cousin, the count, you, Grrr and  Bob met him, has taken up art and history. But Boris? Oy! it is just TV. So I I got him the computer. Remember Bob, you made it for me? That, and the internet I got for him,. I..I had it  hooked up. I....I  hoped that it would give him an outlet. But but it has done... this... a nightmare...It is my fault and yet. I I I meant well  but  but." Vlad cried rocking back and forth his head in his hands. It is an awful sight to see a grown man, much less a 130 year old  vampire, cry!!!        

Image result for picture of an evil computer

Saturday, March 24, 2018

How the heck does a vampire have undead issues? part 3

 I have planned  even the Mummy is coming ..."
Grrr looked at Bob..Vlad knowing the pals were hooked on old movies  smiled.
"Mummy week?  OK. Pal" asked Bob as Grrr roared in agreement. "How can we help?"
"Wait a minute, we will help becouse you are a pal but we are not dumb. Vlad We know that the guy who played in the ole "Mummy" movies  is dead.  Unless you mean that guy from the 90's?" replied Bob.
"Yeah, the first one was a bit camp but is was a good mummy movie even the second was not bad' said Grrr.
'Nine! mime friends you misunderstand, I too  enjoyed those "Mummy" movies as who did not? But that is not the gentleman I  speak with you of ..NINE! Der mummy that vill be here in Dinotown is DER Mummy! Kaligua the mummy
"Come on pal!   What would kaligua the mummy be doing in dinotown?"   Grrr asked? 
"It is simple, Egypt with all of its trouble is not longer a peaceful home for a Mummy.  Indeed, he told me that . "This is worse than when All those bloody  British diggers were about the place." So as the very kind Flower and her husband the learned Dr H were kind enough to  tend my Tana leaves  garden, I as you know have a problem with sunlight. The Tana crop under their good  care  is booming and once that and our love for his artistic screen work was clear Kaligua was glad to come over. Our friend Bruce made the shipping arrangements and Al Gator's company built a nice small pyramid so he would feel at home." 
Tomorrow  "The Problem." 
Image result for picture of a pyramid

Constitution 101 The legislative branch.

The legislative branch.   

Ok so we know that we need laws to both guide the nation and protect our freedom. So. From the very start we have a balancing act.
How was the theory formed in reality?
The law making power of the Federal government was limited and balanced by the power of the states and farther checked by nature of the creation of the legislative branch.
The legislative was split  into two  parts: 
A House of Repetitiveness that would hold the purse and be elected every two years and a Senate that is NOW divided into three classes. The term for a senate seat is 6 years BUT they are elected at different times so one part of the Senate is up for reelection every 6 years.
Image result for picture of congress
It is the Congress, more exactly the Senate that must;
A. Declare war.

B. Approve Treaties.
C. Approve federal judges
D. Approve cabinet appointments and thus department heads of the federal departments.
E. Approve the appointment of Generals..Thus keep control of that army.
Indeed, it is the Congress which must approve of the budget. The president can ask for what he or she wills but Congress says Yes or No.
Now the Congress IS subject to the will of the people and the President by how much support he has can indeed influence how congress acts..pols do want to get reelected. But ya see that cut both ways as Congress can influence how the public sees the president..more of that "BALANCE of power" Do not kid yourself. The way that Congress acts depends on how "We the people" act

Image result for picture of congress
The hands on the hammers? that would be us.
Monday;  Balance

Friday, March 23, 2018

How the heck does a vampire have undead issues? part 2

"Please fellas. You must help and of your own free  vill.  It is my my brother Boris,  he.. he is trying to get a tanning machine!!!! cried Vlad the vampire.
Bob looked at Grrr. "What do ya think pal?" "Well", replied Grrr. "We either gotta help the undead bum or stake  him  that is the only way we are going to get any peace around here."  "Truth pal and if we stake him where are we going to go to see old movies?  so, We gotta help. This is just SOOO corny. Will you say it or will I? " "You say it ole ape."  "Enter freely and of your own will." said Bob. 
"You know fellas you could have just said come on it. Said Vlad.  ""Yeah we know" said Grrr "But we gotta have some fun. What is the problem pal" asked Bob as he tossed Vlad a bottle of type "O".
"It is mine brother Boris, he he has been watching old reruns of "Baywatch" and and he thinks that is he wants a  a  a  tan!"  mumbled  the shocked vampire.
"Pal, if ya dont mind my saying your family is kinda strange..I mean you only drink "o" in the bottle and.." Then there was your cousin the Count that wanted the kitchen of his castle redone becouse his new wife liked to make garlic bread." put in Bob 
"And then there was the one that simply could not stand the sight of blood" said Grrr
"Yeah and dont forget the vegan or that one who....
"Alright..alright who's family is perfect? Asked Vlad.. 
"But this..this is danger,,you fellas Must help..As a friend I ask..who else in Dino town shows der old classics as they should in a movie palace be shown and The Mummy week  I have planned  even the Mummy is coming ..."
Grrr looked at Bob..Vlad knowing the pals were hooked on old movies  smiled.
"Mummy week?  OK. Pal" asked Bob as Grrr roared in agreement. "How can we help?"

Image result for picture of an old mummy  movie

Constitution 101

The reason for government is always the same. It is to unite the people to preform a common goal. What that goal may be depends on the ideal of the people; but the role of government is ALWAYS the same: United Effort.
In order to get that unity any government HAS to do three things:
1. Create laws move people to that goal (legislate )
2. Enforce those laws. (executive)
3. Have a trusted means to settle disputes with in the nation (judicial)
It was agreed that the AOC simply could not be fixed and that a new Constitution was needed yet so great was the people's distrust of any central government  that the reforming convention had to meet and be sworn to secrecy.
Let us look at the three basic powers of government
1. Create laws move people to that goal (legislate )
2. Enforce those laws. (executive)
3. Have a trusted means to settle disputes with in the nation (judicial)
The first question is what to do with those powers as they were a fact and part of the very nature of government and  like it or not, the reality was, that the 13 states needed a central government, if the nation was to survive.
In most of Europe that power was given to a king  but in the new USA we had learned NOT to trust any king and we still dont; be his name Trump or Obama. Ok so the king could not have all the power. How about giving that power to a parliament? You kidding was the reply. We just got done fighting a war with those guys!!!!  SO we simply could not have the parliamentary system that England had..Basically the law making branch can make and enforce  almost any law it wishes 
So what to do?
The first step was to realize that power was like a drink that humans love and will always want more of. People can rationalize 100 reasons for wanting power. Fact is they get drunk on it and the only balance for power IS power.
So we set us a system of checks and balances:
Congress can create laws but it CANNOT enforce them...The Executive (President) can enforce laws but he cannot make them. The Judaical may invoke the power of law ( ask that the rulings be enforced) but it cannot make law or enforce it. ( I know that the lines have been violated by the branches over the last 200 odd years and we will talk about that later in Constitution 601, this is simply how thing SHOULD work)
Tomorrow:  The legislative branch.   
Image result for picture of the constitutional convention

Thursday, March 22, 2018

"How the heck does a vampire have undead issues?

Bob and Grrr were siting around the garage and the pals were NOT in a good mood.
Stef and Gretta had gone shopping and returned with ugh  organic all natural  root beer and coffee and to make matters worse the stores were closed till  Monday so the pals had to drink this or GAD water till Monday.
"What happened to our stash? I told ya ,old ape, ya always gotta have a stash!" Said Grrr shaking his mighty T Rex head. 
"You said that we could enjoy it and not to worry as the girls were going to the store!  I told ya ya rotten reptile that we should save some but who listens?" Replied Bob.
"Oh" said Grrr  "Oh" said Bob.
"it is this or bottoms up pal" "Yep we gotta make the most of it" said Bob.
Just than the pals heard a flapping at the door and a voice said "Bid me enter!"
"Vlad?" asked Bob
"Well accept for the Count and he is out of the country, how many other vamps do we know?"an annoyed Grrr asked.
"Go away ya undead bum we are not in the mood to have guests.." yelled Bob.
"Please fellas. You must help and of your own free  vill.  It is my my brother Boris,  he.. he is trying to get a tanning machine!!!!

To be continued Image result for picture of a crazy vampire

Atomic weapons did change the way people looked at the world.

Atomic weapons did change the way people looked at the world. The WW ll generation SAW what people on all sides would do and feared what they would do now that they had Atomic weapons. Until a workable counter measure is created that fear remains. Yeah I know "Ban the bomb" The problem is that most of human history says that simply wont work without a world government and what if as history also shows you end up with a Hitler of a Stalin? Sure might get a George Washington...but if ya dont where are ya going/ Mars? Or, what if you do if ya "ban the bomb" and Joey hides a few of his till you dump all of yours? All hail KING Joey! That FEAR, I suspect is the main reason that the world has been so unstable, and it is a world wide fear, since 1945 and until we get either:
A. An effective counter weapon.
B. Useful space travel
C. A Constitutional world government
It is not going to change. Yeah. I know that there is a chance that we may blow ourselves and civilization away; but I set the odds very very high against that. The people running things are not fools and they have too much to lose and they know it.
History also teaches that people generally act in what they see as their own self interest.

Constitution 101

The reason for government.

The reason for government is always the same. It is to unite the people to preform a common goal. What that goal may be depends on the ideal of the people; but the role of government is ALWAYS the same: United Effort.
In order to get that unity any government HAS to do three things:
1. Create laws move people to that goal (legislate )
2. Enforce those laws. (executive)
3. Have a trusted means to settle disputes with in the nation (judicial)
Now over time in a lot of history these powers were held by the Lord  over the commons or the king over the lords;  at a later date ( depends on the history) the commons could in some cases appeal to the king. ( or the the church...God would judge)
BUT the three branches : legislative ...executive...judicial.,,ARE always there and the king or Tsar held those powers.( I know that there are practical limits  the king may have the right to behead the duke, but the duke has a personal army..or in our case the common people ( that would be us  are armed) But in theory the lord holds that power.  Now that works fine..if you get a wise and fair king but what if the next king is a tyrant or a fool? Now since people truly dont like to give up power, since that is giving up freedom and yet unless you are an idiot you know that as long as it is possible every effort should be made to maintain order and prevent civil war. How did people ensure the status quo? For a very large part of human history by birth line. Joe or Mary rules becouse their father or mother did. Fine as has been said as long as they can do the job...but what if you get a fool and the people of power cannot agree on a replacement?  Or as has been the case
CIVIL WAR. Image result for picture of atlanta in 1865

Separation of powers

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Constitution 101 the federal system

The Constitution which is the plan of the federal government of the United Stated is not a central government like a monarchy it is a federal system with power shared between the people the cities and the states and the fed  with most power in the hands of the people.
Just as the people gave only as much power to the towns and cities as necessity required, so the town and cities only gave the states as much power as required...The states only give the Federal government as much power as required and even that LIMITED power was held within a system of checks and balances. The goal was to ensure that WE THE PEOPLE remained free and in charge of out own lives 



of or relating to a form of government or a country in which power is dividedbetween one central and several regional governments
of or relating to a treaty between provinces, states, etc, that establishes apolitical unit in which power is so divided.

So under a federal system the power of the central government is both limited and controlled 
As the people gave only those limited  powers to the city or town that necessity required, the cities and towns gave only those LIMITED powers to the States that necessity required; So  the States give only those Limited power to the Federal government that necessity required. Basely the Federal government was given the power to deal with foreign nations; so all America would speak with one voice and to settle peacefully disputes between states and even then a system of checks and balances was built in. 
The whole idea is to insure that WE THE PEOPLE  remain free and in control of our own lives.

Image result for picture of the federal system

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The need for a Constitution. Constitution 101

If you read and think about the Constitution it says more about what the Central government cannot do. Sure.  It gives the central government powers;  but only in a system of checks and balances.
The power to declare war is given to the Congress  for example, but the command of that war is given to the President;  BUT the money to pay for that war must come from the House and until about 1940, except for the Civil war (4 years)  and  WW l about a year and a half) We relied on volunteers, and the states had to agree to raise the troops another check.  That was NOT an accident.  Americans simply do not trust anyone with power..We as a people hope for the best but dont trust human nature.

The federal system and checks and balances Image result for picture of a balance

Monday, March 19, 2018

I favor a path to citizenship as the best thing

My Plan

One more time.

I favor a path to citizenship as the best thing
A. Secure the border.
B. if the illegal is working.not on welfare and has no record. they get a month to sign up, if they have family and they, the family, are not employed but YOU ( the candidate) will sponsor them, old folks, wife at home etc..they are covered. BUT they must also pass step E.
C. Anyone found working without the card after the month is deported and the people employed fined:100 per day for an individual and 1000 a day for a firm with 1 year in jail for the second conviction.
D. The now legal guest worker. must get FULL American rates of pay and benefits, we will have no serf class in this free land.
E.They .must learn English American History. Constitution and renounce all foreign allegiance, pass the citizenship test with in 5 years..Once that is done WELCOME new chum..

Constitution 101

A central government!!
 If we cannot trust the King and parliament??

Did we rid ourselves of a tyrant  3000 miles away only to have 5000 tyrants 500 miles away?

Never..Never.. My state my life...why do I need people from other states telling ME what to do ?

That was the feeling of many in 1786. The War was over and we won. I will worry about my state jack You worry about yours!!
Yet. England and France and Spain were still out there and in the 1780's the Indians were Not movie cartoon characters   singing about the colors of the wind. They were a power full force and one to be feared.  England and France were happy to trade guns power and shot for fur and New Orleans was owned by Spain  who could close the port any time they felt like it..No good growing all that food pal if you cannot get it to market and without a port you cannot.( look up the Whiskey rebellion)
Plus, we owed millions to France and Holland and some to Spain and which state or states pay?
Yep..States did print their own money and you  had to exchange it if you went to other states and at THEIR rates. ..Hey a dollar of your money for 50 cents of ours.  Ya dont like it? TS pal go back to your stinkin state.... The rivers were the railroads/ highways which state owns them? Yep the states did fight over that sort of thing...and  England and France, Spain and the Indians were still out there.

   Tuesday  The need for a Constitution.

Image result for picture of 1780 america

Friday, March 16, 2018

Constitution 101 State Governments

The towns were indeed the center of local life but they knew that there had to be some sort of cooperation between them.  Matters of defence and trade  alone requires that. The Indians were still out there ans no one town could stand alone  and what if some chap in the next town did not keep an agreement? The old Royal government were gone but they had set up 13 colonies, now states. In the minds of many,almost independent republics.
People saw themselves as members of their state: You were a New Yorker or Marylander not an AMERICAN!! The laws of your state were your concern and in that state your farm or business was.    The 13 English colonies in many ways did not see them selves as part of the same nation in 1785. England had gone true.  But Mass  was still Mass  and Virginia was still Virginia and that  SIR was that!!
Yankee and  Southerner did not like each other and New York did not like either of them.
But England, Spain  and France was still out there  and the Indian nations were a force to consider. Yet, most people, except those that marched   during the war, never left their state.  It was easier to go from Boston to London than from Boston to Richmond!
You elected the governor, if of course you were a taxpayer, and took your problems to the state legislature, if you had issues with another town.
  The STATE was your STATE...But England and France and Spain....and the Indians...

Image result for picture of the old 13 colonies

The State government 
Governor  executed the laws
State legislature made laws for the state
State Courts settled legal problems between citizens of different towns.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Constitution 101 "Local power"

 Most people lived and still live in their local town now they use the word"community"
People know the local officials and the local officials know them. They go to the local church or synagogue or mosque, shop at the same stores and work in the same office or go to the same school. In fact this is so strong a bond that one one pol, Tip O'neill said "all politics is local" 
       Think about it.   The TV news  may yell about what President Trump or former President Obama did. BUT, if the garbage is not picked up or the snow not cleared or a pot hole not fixed, it is the local pols are gonna hear about it
The smell or the ice THAT affects YOU!!!!
We have the power to control a lot:...Dont like guns? Move to Brooklyn, under the Sullivan act only cops and the "boys" have guns.
Want to enjoy a very open gay lifestyle? Move to the Village.
Want to enjoy the sea? Move to the beach.
Like being independent ? Perhaps Alaska?
So local power is people power. As a general rule a pol must start his or her career local that is done for a reason. If your neighbors wont vote for ya?  Who will? ( I know that there are exceptions but the rule is still the rule)

Tomorrow the "STATE"

Image result for picture of a city block

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Federal system Constitution 101

Constitution 101 State Governments

We have 3 levels of government in the USA and each have their own special and limited powers:
They are: A. Local B. State C. National.
Local: it was envisioned to protect the freedom of the people that most everyday political power over the lives of the people, would be at the local ( town or city stage) You would KNOW the people who were in office and the local cops etc. They would live in the community and interact. ( in brooklyn..for example Joe the cop lived down the block as did his wife and kids) There were natural social interactions that would prevent the rise of a cromwell. Of course you had rich and poor, welcome to life on earth, but the social status of Americans was not fixed as it was in Europe or Asia and one or one's family could rise or fall. Americans as was so shocking to other nations would speak their mind and while polite were not ones to bow or tug their forelock to their betters. Ya may be richer than me pal that does not make ya better..was the American attitude.

Image result for picture of the constitution of the united states

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Facts are the base of the Constitution

The Constitution is not based on any theory of the New man or the goodness of human nature.
The Constitution is based on the idea that ONLY power can balance power and that people can be free only as long as needed power is held in balance.
Hw: Read the Constitution.

Wednesday:   How power is given and Balance maintained,

Monday, March 12, 2018

Constitution 101

Constitution Why?

Constitution Why?
If you study the Constitution and you should, you see that pains were taken to create both a separation and a balance of power. While the protections may seem complex, the reason for them is simple. It is the nature of men. we would now say "persons" to wanna play god and tell others what to do and how to live. Some do it becouse they enjoy power and like to be "Milord" others do it out of " a desire to help the masses create a better life" For whatever reason, the end result is control. This must lead either to submission and the slave pen or to war and the battlefield. Such is human history and such the founders of our nation wanted to avoid. Image result for picture of a camp 14

Sunday, March 11, 2018

This you must see and think about,,back on Tuesday

Foot note 2 .... Constitution 101 ... 3/5 compromise

When they were writing the Constitution the most powerful part of the Government was to be the House of Representatives  as it is the House that controls the power of the purse as you will later learn.
Now seats and thus votes in the House are given by population. The More people in your state the more votes. So the South wanted the slaves counted as part of the population as that would get them more seats in the House. The North said No  if you want to count them as free men, they must be free. It looked like the South would walk but Spain and England and France was still out  there. So  the North and South  compromised. Slaves would be counted but only 60% would go toward gaining seats for the South. ..The South saw this as a victory.

** so it had nothing to do with 3/5 of a person or any of that PC was about seats in the House.

*** The seats were not given to the slaves  but to the masters who owned them.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Foot note: land

Most of us today are not farmers and see education as the way to advance.
So, If you  assume that education was only for the oldest son in each family. You will have some idea of the value of land to a nation of farmers and very large families in 1789.
The problem of land was not simple:  You could divide the land till in a few generations the family would have nothing or  leave the farm  to the oldest son.  But what of the younger sons? What of the daughters? Who would they marry?  Sure, the older girl can marry the elder son of the farm next door.  But what of the younger?  She could marry a tradesman and the younger son could become one but how many tradespeople will a farming culture,where people make most of what they need,  support?  Of course you could stay on the farm as a "hand" or a "Maid"  in fact servant to your older brother or sister and THEIR family.
OR in a world of endless land you could both  "go west' get more land.
To the majority of the people of America in 1789  the answer was clear and simple. 
Land was  freedom and  life.

Image result for picture of a 1790 farm

The American reaction

I am not going into the history of the Revolution, that you may find in a good old history book.


What we are concerned with here is the background to the Constitution.
The Young USA won independence from England and we owed a lot of money to Holland, France and Spain.  Now those nations had not helped us out of love. It is true that the idea of nationalism and Republic was in the air and many people did support us out of idealism. But, kings and banks tend to be more focused on the return than the ideal. All of those nations had lost wars to England and they, France especially, was more than happy to see England take a major hit and if it should so happen that several of the former English colonies needed a new European patron...All the better mon cher.
The American colonies, after the Revolution,  saw themselves as independent states and were careful to guard that independence. They did form a central government called The Articles of Confederation (  but that was more in the nature of a wartime allance;  having a few thousand British cannon pointed at them tended to make people work together. When the Revolution was won and the British gone things started to appear different.
A.Who or how were we going to pay France, Spain and Holland back?
B. The new states began to fight over just who and from what state could move into the Western lands.
C.Would New Jersey money be taken in New York?
D.  The Indians did NOT want the paleface in the Western lands, It would mean war. Wars cost. Would  only the state say New York or Georgia pay for troops or would the Confederation?
There were many many problems like this and England and France and Spain were still out there and many of the indian nations were feared.
At last it was decided that Articles had to be fixed...When that was seen as a bad job, they wrote the Constitution.
Monday: The Birth of the Constitution.

Image result for picture of the constitutional convention

Friday, March 9, 2018

Constitution 101 background

The 13 Colonies did not like each other all that much. Yes, some Colonies would work together for defense against indians who were feared  and most of the Colonies hated the French as Catholics  who would destroy the Protestant religion. They also kept an eye on Spain for the same reasons.  As long as France and Spain were out there, they NEEDED the protection of the British and most accepted that.

That is not to say that the Colonies always saw eye to eye with England. They did not. The role of the Colonies in the eyes of the king was to make Britain rich and powerful. If the Colonies could make themselves rich at the same time, well and good but the Mother country came FIRST. 
After 1763, when France was defeated, the Americans freed from the fear of France began to lose their need for a dependence on England.  

Since England welched in the eyes of the Colonies regarding  giving them lands in the Ohio for help defeating the French,  Bad feeling began to grow between England and the Colonies  and over time even the idea of independence started to enter the public mind. But very few believed that it would come to a war or that Englishmen living in America would be fired on or fire on the KING's Army!!!  Why that was rebellion!!!!Image result for picture of a british trooper i 1778

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Why was the Constitution written?

 why the Constitution was  written?

Thursday ....Mar 8 2017

Background:  down load and read the "CONSTITUTION"

Constitution 601 theory continued

Constitution 601 theory.
The basic idea behind the Second Amendment is simple. All men, now we would say all people ( dont wanna be sexist) must eat. Therefore all "people" are loyal to the hand that feeds them. Armies are paid by the we say the state, therefore armies are loyal to the king -state. That, by its very nature, is a danger to popular liberity. Yet, this being earth, armies are required for the protection of the nation. So how to keep things in balance? Arms can only in the final analysis be balanced BY arms. Thus the Second Amendment. This was not meant to be in any way anti military, indeed being a soldier was considered the highest calling next to the church a man could follow. However, being educated people, they knew the history of the Roman republic and the English Republic and set safeguards for the security and liberity of the American Republic.

Do your HW and read history...I could be spining ya know check/

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

History 101 Seems some people want to be serfs

Who ever has the weapons makes the rules!

Some people want to be serfs.. no problem.  Plenty of PC types who want to be lords.
So go ahead serfs hand in those weapons to your lords..and bow and tugg ya forelock as you do it.

Image result for picture of a serf tugging his forelock