Monday, March 26, 2018

The legislative branch. Constitution 101

(Now I know that Congress that is the House and the Senate have a lot of procedural rules they made for themselves over the past 220 years. For that read a good history book. This is Constitution 101)
Article 1
The Legislative Branch
This IS the body that makes the laws.
The Congress is divided into two different houses...Originally the Senate was chosen by the state governments( that changed in 1913 with the 17th Amendment.  We now have direct election of Senators ) and was to be among other things a sort of cabinet of advisers for the President.
Senators were meant to be older and wiser  You had to be 30 to be in the Senate but only 25 to be in the House. The Senate had to confirm people appointed to office by the president and approve treaties; this was meant to be a CHECK on the power of the President. He could NOT appoint  his followers to high positions in the state or the Armed forces unless the Senate agreed. Yep.  You cannot make general or admiral  unless the Senate approves.  The Senate and the House must both agree to  propose a law  (called until the president signs  it a BILL) and work together to override a veto. The Senate has 2 members from each state so 100 and they split into 3 equal classes each class elected ever 2 years for a 6 year term in office.
By tradition going back to Tocqueville who speaks of it. The Senate is seen as the older wiser part of the Congress.
The House of Representatives (25 years old to enter and a 2 year term) controls the power of the purse  $$$$$ All bills that need money to pay for them MUST start in the House, that was to make sure that the people kept control. Cannot raise an army with out money.. and with out an army you cannot enforce your will on a free people.(This assumes of course that WE the PEOPLE get off our butts and make sure that we change pols every few years so that they KNOW they will have to answer to the People.
 Only the House can impeach  ...that is accuse a pol:  President or Federal Judge of a crime..(the Senate tries the case)
The Congress that is the Senate and the House Must agree on a bill before it can be sent to the president .  The president may sign a bill into law..or veto it that is send it back with a list of wha he or she sees as corrections  bu the Congress may over ride that veto with a 2/3 vote  ..check on the power of the president
The whole Constitution is only about 6 pages long and it was made as clear as possible. So if we dont read it and make the pols follow is our own fault.
The Constitution only requires a majority vote to pass a bill in the House or the Senate. Reid

So as I understand it only a majority vote is now needed  but the GOP unlike the Dems lack the will to push things through.  All of Mr Trump's people could have been confirmed in a week and so far as the Constitution goes the GOP can pass or block any bill they wish.  End of rant.Image result for picture of Congress

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