Friday, March 9, 2018

Constitution 101 background

The 13 Colonies did not like each other all that much. Yes, some Colonies would work together for defense against indians who were feared  and most of the Colonies hated the French as Catholics  who would destroy the Protestant religion. They also kept an eye on Spain for the same reasons.  As long as France and Spain were out there, they NEEDED the protection of the British and most accepted that.

That is not to say that the Colonies always saw eye to eye with England. They did not. The role of the Colonies in the eyes of the king was to make Britain rich and powerful. If the Colonies could make themselves rich at the same time, well and good but the Mother country came FIRST. 
After 1763, when France was defeated, the Americans freed from the fear of France began to lose their need for a dependence on England.  

Since England welched in the eyes of the Colonies regarding  giving them lands in the Ohio for help defeating the French,  Bad feeling began to grow between England and the Colonies  and over time even the idea of independence started to enter the public mind. But very few believed that it would come to a war or that Englishmen living in America would be fired on or fire on the KING's Army!!!  Why that was rebellion!!!!Image result for picture of a british trooper i 1778

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