Thursday, April 30, 2015

Knew that this was going to happen...CEO need a new Yacht

You get rid of troublesome  americans
Get cheaper ..submissive workers

They give you a hard time about vacation or rights or OT?
Yank their Visa..That will keep the serfs in line!!!

Will Georgy have to pay his bill?

George is the hero of the share the wealth types...lets see how he like to share HIS!!!

Some of my posts were taken down.

Some of my post were taken down from my FB page.
There was nothing improper about them
I was discussing the Gray case and making the point that his looking at a policeman and his running were not reason to arrest him.

For some reason this was removed..Since i believe in  free speech I am moving in to Grrr's cave.
Grrr's said I could as long as I bring root beer.

to be continued.