Friday, August 31, 2012

Big Foot...and  Grrr.
"Look BF, ask yourself why do humans want to trap you or take your picture?"...asked Grrr.
"I don't know said BF, but it is very annoying".
"Look buddy, people love you, you are a mystical creature..a wonder...Grrr said.
"You think so?, I never looked at it that way".replied BF.
"But look, Grrr, even if that is so, I still need my space"
"Sure you do and the way you get it is to give the people what they want, I have some pals in show business, I can set you up with them...if it works out, you make enough to buy your own forest and since people see you on TV, the mystery is gone and there is no reason to bug you anymore in your forest". 
"Grrr, asked a hopeful BF, you think so? It would be nice to have my own forest for the wife and kids".......

Constitution...what is an American part lll.
Why is political power dangerous to liberty?
Simply because political power creates in the human heart the spirit of subservience. A pol has the power to give you things or take them and so like a little kid, we flatter pols, as we did our parents when we wanted something. If the pol,has the power and gives us what we want, we become dependent on him or
The pol, as is human nature, starts to see him/or herself as the front from whose wisdom all things flow and worse, in time so do we.Heck, why put up with that PIA boss or learning that annoying new skill, or that annoying client, when you can just pick up a government check..sit home and watch TV? Of course over time, you become more dependent on that program or grant ..then, like the Godfather, a service is asked....a small favor for the party that did so much for you and like any slave, you have lost the ability to say "NO".

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bigfoot ll.

" You know, you could be looking at this the wrong way said Grrr.
This could be a very good thing for you".
"Good? How can this be good? I cannot set foot in my own forest without some nut of a human trying to trap me or take a picture. I tell ya Grrr a creature needs some time to himself." Replied Bigfoot.
"We Bigfeet are peaceful types who love the woods and the silence of nature..I..."
"Buddy, said Grrr, I understand but the best way to get the humans NOT to bother you is to go on TV...get your face before the public..than people leave you alone. "
"That, Grrr is the nuttiest thing I ever heard....get some peace by going to the humans???"
"That is exactly right, said Grrr..this is how it works...

What is an American? Part 2
Some governments, for example: Nazi, Commie, Monarchy,Socialist, are built on theories of human nature. 
They hold the view that some race or class is "GOOD" and some race or class is "BAD".
Ours is not built on theory but on the experience of the founders.
Yes, many of them read the works of the Enlightenment, but they had the experience to shape those theories to reality.
We know that rules are required if people are to live together and if you have rules, you must have a umpire, that umpire is government. HOWEVER, experience showed our founders that the power that comes with being "Umpire" is like a very addictive drug and steps must be taken to control people that must be exposed to it, in order to protect BOTH us and them.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What is an American? part 1
An American is a person who understands, accepts and shares the values and ideals of the Constitution.
Limited Government:
It is the nature of people to enjoy having power over people. We all want to be the Boss.
Yet, people chose to live in groups, for company, or aid or protection, if any group is to endure, it must have rules, thus Government.
In almost all human history, that government has b
een run by "the best and the brightest..the noble class.. the aristocrat.
Here in 1789, we started something new..we said
"WE THE PEOPLE" not we the nobles, or the Priests or the kings but we the people shall create and run our Government.Yet, knowing the nature of people, we knew we needed to place limits on people we lent power to those limits are The Constitution.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Is that "Bigfoot"?
"That is all I ever hear Grrr, so I have big feet..does that make me a bad creature?"
"Bigfoot had come to the "Wellness Center" to see Grrr. 
"I tell ya, Grrr, I am tired of all the remarks about my feet. If you look at the rest of my family, I don't even have big feet." .....

Monday, August 27, 2012

When you gotta shop gotta shop.

The rain was pouring down in Dino-land and the volcano was rumbling.
As Grrr woke up, went into the kitchen and poured  his morning rootbeer, he said to himself, good thing the "Wellness Center" is closed today. This a fine day to read a book in a warm cave.
Gretta came into the kitchen and Grrr said "Good morning babe, good day to be at home".
"Yes dear, said Gretta, the weather has gone Jurassic."
She went over to the blender to fix herself a "natural" breakfast" while giving Grrr's menu, of rootbeer and hamburgers a disdainful wife look.
Picking up part of the paper she gave a happy roar, "Grrry..Grrry  Bronto's is having a shoe sale...30% off.
I have to call Stef". In  half an hour Gretta was dressed  in her car...and on her way to pick up Stef.
"Well", Grrr said, to Bob, who had come over to return a book, "guess when a lady, dino or human  has to shop..she has to shop". "True, old fella." agreed Bob, as he accepted a cup of coffee and a donut from Grrr.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

It is alright Count!

Looking at the folder, Grrr read it with care and raising his head gave the Count a toothy happy T-Rex smile.
"It is alright  Count."
"Grrr", said the Count. "Don't you can this "alright"?
"Unless you have moved your home to the USA, this is not your Castle."
"But how can that reads "Castle Dracula""???
Picking up the folder, Grrr pointed at the folder, "Count, have you read all this?"
"I am....embarrassed...Grrr, I speak English well, but ..I do not read it as skillfully as I should. Replied the Count.
"Not a problem sir," said Grrr, "I cannot even speak Romanian. But this is a folder for a park in New Jersey in the USA. Your home is safe."
"Grrr, I do not question your work  your word..but are you sure?"
"Beyond question Count."
"Grrr" said the relived Count, "I have not the words..thank you, sir."
"if ever the friendship or aid of the Boyer Dracula is needed by you or yours, you have but to ask."

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Too Horrid for Dracula???  Part lll

"Not only that, Grrr", said the Count, but they are giving am on sale...I am the .99 cent store".  "it was bad enough when the wives had the castle set up for the internet..modems and routers and the automatic door opener on the draw bridge, the wash and wear cape, a being must exist in his time...but coupons?"......... $ 3.00 OFF!!!!!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Too Horrid for Dracula???
"I love my land..and yet..this thing they ask of me now is horrible..." whispered Count Dracula.
Thinking to himself, this is the fella who impaled 20,0000 Turks when they invaded  TransylvaniaWhat would seem too horrible to him? wondered Grrr.
"Take your time Count..speak when your ready." Said Grrr.
Taking a large drink of his root beer, the count replied.
"Grrr, you understand, service is everything..personal feeling must take ..must not even ..the good of the nation...I left my dear wife and children whom I loved to fight the Turk....I did not sue or object when those books or worse movies were made..mein Gott, even "Buffy the Vampire Slayer..and The Vampire dairies, I endured, since..mine is a poor land and it brought in tourists and trade to help  my people.
"But this...Grrr, I am thinking of ....."

"What is it count?" asked Grrr? 
"The government..they want to home...handing a folder into Grrr claw, the Count said "look"!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Count Dracula.... It seems too horrible ...

Grrr was in his office at the "Wellness Center" when his nurse called him.
"Grrr, we have a human.. a Count Dracula.. out here. He has no appointment and I told him that as a rule we work with creatures, but he asks to see you...said he is a friend of Vlad?"
"A friend of Vlad? Sure, Nancy, I am open for the next couple of hours." "There is the meeting with the ..." Nancy started to say..."Tsk-tsk". replied Grrr. "You know how I love sad, please send the Count in".
A tall, dark, handsome, rather athletic man, well dressed in a gray, expensive British suit,with matching hamburg hat, entered Grrr's office.
"Thank you for seeing me Herr Grrr. he said, with a nod of his head, I am Dracula."
"Just Grrr, please. You are welcome Count, any friend of Vlad..."
"You are kind Grrr and I understand also from a old and noble line?"
"Well, Rex does mean king and we dinos have been around a while..would you care for a rootbeer?
"Thank you, I always drink vootbeer.  Vlad spoke very well of you sir, and you will, being from an old family, perhaps understand that we..that it.. is difficult to speak of personal..problems."
"Take your time, Count..there is no rush...Say..did you hear the one about the vampire who went to dinner....he would never eat a stake....or there was this vampire who went to England but had to leave..he did not like limes....
"Not bad, but old, I heard those 300 years ago..Vlad? "
"Yep'" Replied Grrr.
"I understand that you  Grrr, were a  Class Dino for many years? That you know something of history, perhaps the history of Transylvania?.
"True Count, I am far from an scholar of Middle European History but I do have a working knowledge.
Let's see now..Transylvania.. part of Romania, under Russian or Turkish control since about 1400...The Romans of course.." Grrr answered.
"Letting his breath out inrelief, I have come to the right place.
Perhaps than you have heard of the small deeds I had the honor to do in the service of my nation?" asked the Count.
"I would not call them "small" Count, you gave your life in the service of your people and nation."
"Yet, outside of Romania, all people remember is the impaling, or thatt foolish book and forget if they ever knew it was a hard time...much harder than today.I love my land..and yet..this thing they ask of me now is horrible..."

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Pizza and the Raptor.   part lll.

"A cookbook!, Doc, are you out of your ever loving blue eyed mind?" Asked GRRR.
" My..ur..eyes are not blue more a tan and I uh see. It is clear that my dear lacking in the art of baking and therefore a cookbook..would seem the very thing needed the ..problem".
"Doc, you are not dealing with a student or a client, this is your wife.
 Look Doc, have a root beer..we need to talk."
"Root beer? Dear me no thank you. The sugar is not all good and we never drink any thing in cans ..oh. heavens no..bottles only."
"Just drink it Doc and learn. Flower is a girl and women do not see the world the way we do nor do they react as we do."
"Now, Grrr, I have always held the view that the so called "gender difference" is but the social result of education. The mind, of all dinos regardless of gender, is rational..and..."

"Doc, you have been married for a few months and before that spent your time in the library.  Gretta and I have been married a long time and while I do not hold the view that the mind of one gender is better than the other, I KNOW..not think or suppose, KNOW that they are different.
"Flower's pie was a part of her,a gift, that she was giving to you, when you scientifically critiqued it, you hurt her feelings."
"It...that is to was never my intent to ..Flower is the center of my life..why..I would even..even eat meat..rather than disappoint her!"
"I know that Doc, but the one you have to tell that to is Flower".

"My boy, said a happy Doctor H, over the phone.. I spoke to Flower as you suggested. All is well. My dear one spoke to Stef and Gretta and they are teaching her to cook!  I picked up some flowers and organic candy and she, dear girl, acquired for me some very fine organic greens  all is well in the world".

"Glad things are back to normal Doc" replied Grrr as he winked at Gretta and popped a cold can of root beer.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Pizza and the Raptor.   part ll.

Gretta, and Stef were in Gretta's house as Flower walked in in tears.
"Flower, what is wrong?" a concerned Stef asked.
"What is the matter sister?" asked Gretta.
"Haddy..he..he" Gretta and Stef looked at each other and at Flower's raptor claw, relived to see it unstained.
"Sit down sister and tell us". said Gretta as Stef poured Flower a cup of tea.
"I ..I made him a was all organic, Stef, you know how hard that is" Stef nodded. I ..asked him how he liked it and he hated it and now he hates me and I got mad and tore up the bedroom and ..I am a bad wife."
Stef and Gretta looked at each other. "Sister, asked Gretta, did you go Jurassic on Dr. H? "  "Oh, no..never..I love he does not love me" she cried.
Stef said "Flower, listen child. you are just married. Gretta and I have been with Bob and Grrr for years.
Of course Dr. H still loves two just had your first spat. 
"But we are not ...we..never,,we can't".
"Sister, Gretta said, every couple has a spat now and then. 
Guys just don't see things the way we do. "We would rather go to the mall, or the Opera or plant, Grrr and Bob would prefer to get lost in an old book or go shooting or build things in their  smelly shop...right Stef ?" 
"True, try to get Bob to give up coffee and drink organic tea and he is always looking at new Mausers. Why I have no Idea and, we have been together for years Flower."
 But ..But ..he did not like my pie",Flower said.
"Sister, I love you and have since the nest, but you never could cook". Gretta said.
"You just cannot put what feels right in a recipe, you have to follow steps."
"Gretta", said Stef, "lets show her." The girls went into the kitchen and showed Flower the steps in baking a pie.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Pizza and the Raptor.

Dr. H. the  Hadrosaur, who married Flower, the hippy raptor, stopped Grrr in the hallway of the "Wellness Center" where they both worked as councilors.
"Ahem..Grrr..have you a minute?..There is a ..ummm.. personal matter..that I would value your advice on."
"Sure Doc, step into my lair" Grrr replied.
"Well..ahh..Grrr", said Dr. H. "I must say, not in any way being judgmental, that our professional consulting rooms should perhaps not be refereed to as "lairs" .Indeed the use of such unprofessional nomenclature must at least on a subconscious level tend to lessen the effectiveness of our processes ."
"Humm" said Grrr, popping a rootbeer and passing over a bowl of leaves to Dr.H.
"Doc," said Grrr. "I have known you for a while and you never seemed to care about this before, what is really on your mind'?
Absently chewing on some leaves, Dr. H replied "Flower and I had our first fight..not a disagreement..not inability to reach consensus".
"Ok, Grrr said "you had a fight..what did you do?"
" gave a honest reply..Flower and I value the ability to share truth and acting in the spirit of that value, I simply replied to an inquirity she posed."
"Doc, what was the question and what did you say?"
"Flower..she..made us an organic pizzia, it was her first attempt..and when she asked what it ..that is to how it might compare to that found at the restaurant, I said that ..the crust was too hard and the pie under baked and the tomato  paste..ah..somewhat lacking." 
"She ..ah..did not take this in the spirit of which it was offered..dear me.. no. She roared at me, she never did that before, and ran to bedroom". "She would not come out and I slept on the couch, in the morning, when I woke, she left a note  saying that she had gone to see Gretta. The room, Grrr, was torn to bits."  
"Grrr, I am not sure..what to do. I was thinking about getting her a cookbook.
  What do you think?"
" you want to lose your head?"

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A night at the Movies.
Grrr and Gretta were over at Bob and Stef's house.
Dinner was over and the four friends dino and human were deciding what to do that night.
"We could go out for ice cream" Stef said. "Wonderful" said Gretta.
"That is fine" replied Bob.." but what will we do after that"?
"I don't know" said Grrr.
"What do you boys want to do?" asked Stef.
"How about a movie"? Bob said.
"There is a good one out" said Gretta.
"My heart is a Rose" said Gretta.
"I heard of that" said Stef. "The Actress has a husband who dies and leaves her with four kids and she becomes a brain surgeon."
"Yes" Gretta added "and is getting a Nobel when she finds that her youngest has brain plague and her kitten has been run over" and she has to decide if she is going to go to the Congo to save the children with Doctor karl or ." Yes that is the one" said Stef
Bob and Grrr looked at each other.

Later in the movies

After a half hour  of "o doctor will he live?".and "does he love me"??
Grrr said "I am going to get some popcorn you guys want anything?"
Gretta and Stef entranced by the film just shook their heads..
Bob said "Hold on pal. I will give you a hand."
As they were walking out to the lobby, Grrr noticed that a monitor was showing coming events..
Among which was "Attack of the Night Dinos"  "The Marines land at Dawn" "It came from another World" and "100,000,000 BC. As they sat down and passed the popcorn.
The two guys looked at each other and Grrr said "this is the way to go to the movies."

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Al Gator is saved by the clove.

Hold on, Bob said, there was a Brit, an actress, she had the same problem, You know guys..the spy girl...
Diana Rigg? Al said.  I used to watch "The Avengers" as a young gator.
So did I, said Bob. I met both Rigg ad Macnee..
This is all well and good fellas, said Grrr. I liked that show too, but how does it help with Al's problem?
Hold on Y'all.  Al said. I seem to recall that there was a story where Miss Rigg ate a garlic dish before playing a part.
That's it, said Bob.
 I have picked up a taste for Italian food since the family swam up to the States..but I am always careful to brush and use mouth wash as moma told us to...Do you think??????

Two Weeks later...

Fellas, called a happy Al Gator as he swam up to the Hide in the Swamp.
It worked..he called in a  strong,  dare we say VERY strong, garlic breath. 
Looking at Bob  and Grrr's faces, Al said. Excuse chaps. As he applied a generous amount of breath spray..How is that?
Better.  Grrr replied.
Chaps, I cannot thank you enough.  Al said. I can go the Mall or the Pub and  I am left in peace.
The other gators in the Pub don't object? Wondered Grrr aloud. 
Not at all, replied Al. You see we Gators have very different idea of good and bad smells.
In  fact, some of the lady gators find it very attractive. Al said with a smile.
Please accept this as a small  thanks gift.,exclaimed a happy Al Gator 
,handing Grrr a case of root beer and Bob a case of coffee.
Should you chaps need any construction done in the is on me. : )

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Al Gator part lll                                 The problems of  fame.

We have to do something. Al Gator said. I HAVE to be able to swim down to the mall or the Pub and be left alone!!!! Being the state mascot is not all it is said to be..if I hear one more "go gators".....
Well, eating people is out..bad form....
You could just tell people that you were a crocodile..most folks would not know.
You don't understand Grrr. My folks are from Belize.  African /British. We take family very seriously.
If I did that, pretended to be a croc, and the family found out and they would, gators are a very tight-nit community, I could never go home.
Have another cup of earl gray, old fella. Grrr said.  We will think of something.
You are welcome to stay with me and Stef until things work out, we have a extra room. Bob said.
That is decent of you old chap, said Al  Or with us, said Grrr, there is a river behind the cave..
Really, thank you..both..but that, kind as it is, won't see one still must venture forth and the problem would be there.
Hold on, Bob said, there was a Brit, an actress, she had the same problem, You know guys..the spy girl...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Al Gator's  Problem     Part ll
I may have to eat a few people to get some respect. Said Al Gator.
Well, now, I don't see that as a good idea.  Bob replied, as he picked up his Mauser and working the bolt,
chambered an 8mm fmj round.
Not You, Bob. It is considered rather bad form in my family to eat a friend. Not done at all. Al stated.
Be that as it may. Grrr said. You have to consider the results of your actions, however justified that they may be in your eyes, on the Gator-Human relationship.
Things are good now. Would you want to go back to the days when gators were seen as nice handbags?
Guess not. But, fellas we have to figure something out. An annoyed and unhappy  Al Gator growled.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Stereotyping...or AL Gator hates sports.

Al Gator came swimming up to Grrr and Bob's hide in the swamp.
Hey Guys! Al called. Hey Buddy. Bob and Grrr replied.
Have a cup of tea and welcome.
What's the problem Al? Bob said. You look annoyed.
Bloody Sports nuts it is ....said Al......
Hummm. said Grrr.
It is all very well for you to say" humm" Grrr. But you are not a gator.
You guys know that the state animal is a gator and when the humans proposed that we gators were honored and we still are. It was very nice. But when they made us the mascot of the sports clubs, well, in my opinion, things got out of claw.
Gator banners...bumper stickers..cup..flags...t-shirts..shorts..headbands..and everybody wants you to sign them. A gator cannot even swim into the mall without ten strangers wanting to hug him say "what about them Gators?"
We gators are NOT all the same. My Uncle Angus loves that stuff..eats sports like jam on a crumpet. Me? I hate sports..well, not hate, but, not nuts for either.
Fellas, I am thinking of eating a few people...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Little Gretta "rolled" her eyes.  Part ll.

Can you imagine Stef?  Gretta said. 
As they sat in the "New Nature Organic Tea House" over lunch.
I spent the  whole day helping her.  I did not look at one thing for myself, and she "rolled her eyes".  That outfit was for a dino 10 years older..and she expected to wear it to school!!!!
It is the age, said Stef, we all tried it at her age....but that is no reason to be disrespectful.
You are a nice person  Stef. replied Gretta. I don't know why we pay for uniforms, if that school is going to give them "free dress" every other day.
But you know what really annoys me?
What Gretta? Stef asked.

Grrr....He thinks "the eye thing" as, HE puts it, is funny!!!!!!!!!

So does Bob. Stef said.

Stef and Gtetta gave each other the "Girl-look" as they sipped their tea.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Little Gretta "rolled" her eyes.
Stef and Gretta were out at the mall and Grrr and Bob were hanging out in the swamp.
 I don't  know if it is safe.
Safe to do what Grrr? Bob asked.
Safe to go home.
What did you do now old pal?
Nothing. Replied Grrr.
Gretta and Little Gretta went to the mall yesterday to pick out some new outfits for school.
I thought that they had uniforms at Little Gretta (LG) school? asked Bob.
They do. Replied Grrr. But for some reason Gretta and LG still have to buy a ton of clothes for school.
Grrrr and Bob exchanged the "Guy look" and said "Women" as both nodded.
Ok, so what has that to do with making it too dangerous to go back to your cave?
Their fighting. 
Who? asked Bob
Gretta and LG. Seems that they did not agree over what clothes LG should wear and LG rolled her eyes at Gretta.
Rolled her eyes? Said Bob.
Yep. Answered Grrr. I don't know why but that seems to drive Gretta nuts.
It used to do the same to the lady teachers when the girls at school did it.
I just think that it is funny. Said Bob. 
Me too. Agreed Grrr. But for some reason it drives women dino or human up the wall.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bruce the shark took out his list of phone numbers..The Amazon ..hum..Who do I know?
Of course. Carl the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Picking up his waterproof cellphone, Bruce called Carl.
Carl? Bruce.
Bruce, mi amigo how are you?
Well. How are things with you and the family?
Good. There were some humans exploring in my lagoon, but as they were polite, live and let live.
If, you could, a favor ? Bruce asked.
A ask?  Who was it who got those Green Peace nuts out of my lagoon and got my nephew a job in the States? How can I help, amigo? Said the Creature.
You hard about Sidney?
I did and also about Grrr Rex fixing things.
That Grrr is a good boy.
The fink smuck Mr.Nature is in the Amazon. Said Bruce.
He was in the Amazon mi amigo. Said Carl.
So? Said Bruce.
Seems, he did not learn from Grrr. Natural set up an office here and tried to run the same scam.
He started on Conny my grandchild....big mistake.
Before I could get a claw in, my son Charlie paid Mr. Nature a little visit.
Now, Natural is playing soccer with the kids....well, at least his head is.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bob walked over to Grrr's cave and knocked on the door.
Morning pal, said Grrr. Handing Bob a cup of coffee and a donut.
What's up?
That is what I came to ask you. 15 or so guys with a big truck from "Media are us" showed up at the house  while I was out at the range this weekend.
They added an extra room to the house, sound proofed it, and installed a Media Center 200inch Plasma TV Surround Sound, movie house chairs and organic snack machines. Life time free all channel cable pass.
Stef is overjoyed.
Fella left me a note with a lifetime range membership and a  dozen cases of coffee.
Note said: "From my heart. Thank you..if you ever need, you should call.(998-887-****)
Oh, That??. Grrr said.What is "Oh. that" give Grrr. Bob said.
Bruce is happy that you came up with the plan that cured Sidney.
He heard Stef tell Gretta that she wanted a new TV, while we were on the cruise, so he sent one.
Buddy, said Bob. This is a LOT more than a new TV.
As far as Bruce is concerned, we gave him back his refuse would be an insult. Said Grrr.
What did he send you? A dino sized rootbeer kegarator and a life time supply of root beer and a dino sized running track..  A complete set of French designer shoes for Gretta.
Looks like we got a shark godpoppa. Bob said. True. Grrr replied.  Sharks Never forget a friend or forgive a foe.

Monday, August 6, 2012

A happy Bruce called Grrr.

Grrr.!!!!!! He is back. My Sidney is back!!!!!!!
He ..He..I have no words..anything..I have  a Ship No.. two ..three ships!!!!
An Oscar for you and Gretta...A titanium card for Gretta..You should never want again.!!!!
Sidney is a shark...He wants to go back to the business but now..he wants to earn his spot. From the bottom he wants to start...He is becoming a mensch...Grrrr...never have I felt such joy!!!
I heard what you and Bob did to that smuck Natural...tell him, if he needs, he should only ask.
Bruce, it was a pleasure old friend, replied Grrr. Bob and I are ok, but if you could keep a eye out for Barney Rex?
He ...I heard ..I heard. Bruce said, in the Business, what don't I hear?.
Good work he wants to do..Grrr. Let me get you back.
Bruce picked up his phone to the Studio..getting the chairman of the network,
Bruce said. So Billy, howsby you?
With cable and Internet?? Don't ask.The chairman replied.
Billy, a favor I need?
Bruce for you anything. The chairman said.
Barney the little purple dino...wants a change in script values. Bruce said.
I heard, Billy said. The producer wants to drop him...worried about sponsors and PBS.
A spot for him on my networks there is. said Bruce and BTS Cruise lines to sponsor.
It's done. Said the Chairman...
Can you and Shelly make it to dinner this Sunday?
First, I should ask, said Bruce with a smile in his voice, are you cooking or is Mary?
Hey, Bruce cooking like mine, you never had. Yes, I have. Said a happy Bruce...That is why I want to know.  Your Mary is a princess of the kitchen..  You?....Well, you make good movies.
You finny bum. Billy said  in a tone reserved for very old and very dear friends.
Your idea of fine dinning  is a bag of popcorn and a coke in the movies.
So, can you think of a better place? asked Bruce.
Sure can't . Said Billy. Remember when we collected bottles to get change to get in the movies?
Somethings you don't forget. Replied Bruce.
Mary is cooking and she will be happy to see you..We know you were worried about Sidney.
My other son Grrr and his friend took care of that.
Sidney is well again and going back to work.and from the bottom this time as we did.
Such news. Bruce..A blessing.  Grrr Rex had a claw in it, you say? I am afraid to ask.
Tell you all about it Sunday. Good night my friend....Good night Bruce.
Bruce called Grrr.
Grrr, my boy, about Barney? You should not worry.
Thanks pal. Grrr said.
Grrr?..remember..anything..Bruce said as they hung up.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sidney the SharkPart IV

So? Grrr said. You want to be a dolphin.
Yes, said Sidney. Sharks are brutal eating machines with no respect for other species.
The earth is a caring place and if we only integrated ourselves with the oneness of the aura of the earth mother, .....

Really? said Grrr.  Hummm..hold on while I Google "dolphins"

"Various methods of feeding exist among and within species, some apparently exclusive to a single population. Fish and squid are the main food, but the false killer whale and the orca also feed on other marine mammals.
One common feeding method is herding, where a pod squeezes a school of fish into a small volume, known as a bait ball. Individual members then take turns plowing through the ball, feeding on the stunned fish. Coralling is a method where dolphins chase fish into shallow water to catch them more easily. In South Carolina, the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin takes this further with "strand feeding", driving prey onto mud banks for easy access.[37] In some places, orcas come to the beach to capture sea lions. Some species also whack fish with their flukes, stunning them and sometimes knocking them out of the water."

Humm, does not seem too kind and gentle to me said Grrr.
But..that cannot be gasped Sidney...They eat plankton..they are kind and sweet Mr. Natural told me, they sing "Kombya" in the water..
Yeah? said Grrr. Tell that to the bait ball.
I don't know what to say,  said a  confused Sidney
Kid, you are a shark because God wanted you to be a shark.
In order to stay alive, you eat..
well, newsflash kid.
So does every other living thing on the Earth..
You mean?
Yep, said Grrr. If you can catch it, you can eat it...if  can catch you it can eat you.
No need to be brute and hurt other creatures for fun...that is dishonorable. But fine.
Got it Grrr..thank you said a happy Sidney...I think I will go see my granddad.. :  )

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Barney part lll
The little purple rex put his claws up and said in a desperate voice out of this ...please...
Out of what? Grrr asked. out of this whole purple thing! The little rex cried.
Handing the little rex a root beer, Grrr said..Start at the start son.
Well, said the little rex, I went to Hollywood and tried to be a actor and well,  I am not ...not..big like you.  So I got this Barney gig. At first, it was wonderful, I made kids happy and tried to set a good example. But over time I started to see that..that. it was not true...not honest.
 I was telling kids never to be mad, and making them feel bad it they were, and there are times when it is right to be mad...or that fighting was always wrong,  when at times honor and freedom demand you fight.  I was deceiving a whole generation of young dinos.
I asked them to change the joy.
One morning, last week, I just went Jurassic.
Huumm. said Grrr. Son, Do You want to be free? Are you willing to be free?
Willing to give up the perks and the limos and the money?
Yes, said the little purple rex.
Reaching behind the little guy's head, Grrr unzipped the barney suit and a little green T-Rex
stepped out.
Son, film is a fine craft but you can lose yourself in it and that is very easy to do.
Take your costume, go back to the set, and tell..don't ask..Tell.. the producer that there will be changes or they can get another rex.



Friday, August 3, 2012

Barney part ll.

Being held in a chair in Grrr's office by two BIG dinos was a little purple t-Rex.
The big dinos looked like they had been in a fight and come up short and the little purple guy was struggling and yelling..I will kick your tail and yer brothers too...
It is OK, Grrr said. you fellas can go, thank you for your might want the nurse to look at the eye...
Grrr, said the bigger of the two in a nervous voice, are you sure?
Go ahead..I got him. said Grrr
As the guard left, Grrr said I am going to let you out of the chains and then we will have a root beer and talk like decent dinos.
As soon as Grrr, let the little purple Rex loose, he flew at Grrr with a roar.
Ducking, Grrr hit him with his mighty tail and bounced him off the wall.
This occurred several times..Grrr said, Buddy, I can keep playing dino tennis with you all day.
I spent 24 years in 7th grade as a class dino and  as far as tough goes, you are not a pimple on a wolf child's toe.
The little purple rex put his claws up and said in a desperate voice out of this ...please...