Monday, June 19, 2023

16 century view of Religion

 American History Religion in the age of exploration.

If you would understand American History, you must first understand the 16th Century view of Religion. People, they believed, were all created by God. Life on Earth was by its nature short and uncertain.
To be blunt . King or Serf or townsman, You never knew when you would die and if you died with major sins on your soul, it was hell for you and hell was seen as an unending torture chamber! The pain would never stop only get worse.
Therefore any thing you could do to save your soul was worth it and if you could make a few bucks or get some land for a better life on earth..that was just icing on the cake.
Your HOME was not on Earth. Earth was simply a place you were visiting for a short time.
Your HOME was in heaven and as long as Americans believed that, they could not be oppressed. They would fight and either win or die and go home to a better world.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

American History.

 American History.

There is much on the net that is downright wrong about our national history that I feel called to set it right
Religion..That may well have been the basic reason many people came to America. In Europe, of 1600's, You basically followed the religion of your Prince or got the ax. You either went along at ,some felt, the risk of their soul, or left. You must understand the concept of the Afterlife, heaven or hell was very real to these people. Now if you believed in your King or Prince's religion no problem, but some did not and from about 1600 (1500 about for Spain or Portugal) there was, if you dared, the New World. Spain offered the chance for wealth and a spiritual reward to it's conquestors in conversion of the natives. Saving souls was a pious act and a very good way to save your own. One hears much about the cruel ways of Spain toward the indians. 700 years fighting the Muslims did not turn the men of Spain into peace corps types. None the less, their souls and the ones they believed they could save were a very strong motive.
Tomorrow Virginia