Thursday, August 23, 2018

Spam man is back.. This is not spam

The wonders of sociaism   This you want?

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Clearances Now I get it

Now I get it( sometimes it takes a while) If you have a clearance it is assumed that you know stuff that others dont. So your opinion is valued both as a talking head on TV and the lecture circuit and in the boardroom. That means big bucks and the highter the position and clearance the highter the pay day. You dont have to say how you know, that would be reveling sources and get ya in trouble..Just in "my opinion" this is good or that is bad...People will just assume that ya are "IN THE KNOW". Now I know why they want to keep that clearance. 
Old info is worth about as much as old news "0"
The question then becomes WHY is the practice allowed in people of both parties? Could it be simply $$$$ ? You scratch my back and I scratch yours???

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Race and gender a PC lie

Race and gender a PC lie
If the PC cared about race and gender they would have supported Keyes and LaPen. But ya see Keyes and LaPen are not PC lefty..So the issue to the PC is is NOT gender or race but lefty ideology!!! THINK and dont be played!

Rino remarks

I expect the PC to be PC the interesting thing here are the RINO remarks of Mitt

freedom issue

Not a party issue or a race or a gender issue as there are good and bad ...This is a Freedom your hw and vote as YOU think just...

Just so ya know comrades

Comrades just so ya is a federal crime to try and influence a federal jury.  Ask the boys sitting in the can!! 

When we leave our job

When we leave our job we hand in the keys and the rights of that job.
Please explain why any public servant SHOULD have more rights than we the people?
So if the chap is no longer head of CIA or a General why would he or she keep the clearances? I understand that they are still bound by any NDA or the violating of that may harm the nation...but if they are not in service, unless consulted or recalled why do they keep that clearance? 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Gotta move here

Bob walked into Grrr's cave and seeing his T Rex pal asked "Hey ya mind if I sorta post from here??seems that FB is calling my stuff "spam" and removing it?
As long as ya bring some RB old Ape you are welcome. Told ya them PC types would hate ya sooner  or later..To comrades truth is what the party says it is."