Friday, September 28, 2012

Vlad the vampire was sitting at his computer watching the world Cup, he roots for Romania of course, when he heard a flapping at the window.

Getting up to look, he was surprised to see his friend the Count and invited him in.

Seeing the look on his friend's face, Vlad said, "Drac, what is wrong old friend?, is Van Helsing at it again?"
"No", replied Drac, in a sad tone, "it is my new wife Sophia."

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Value of work to a person.
When you work for pay, no matter the job, you gain Independence. You are exchanging your skills and talent for pay. You have and will over time  improve your ability to take care of yourself.
You are a free person.
No one is paying you out of love, but for value. Remember that.
But if you sit home and receive a government handout, you will become dependent on that.
Like a serf of old, you WILL live or die at the pleasure of your master. Worse in fact, as the serf had value you will not.
 Now there are times when a person may need a hand, we are all human and this is Earth.
But that "hand" must not become a way of life.
This by the by applies to corporations and banks as well as people.
History Idea of the day:
keep hearing about our terrible national debt.
I hear about the Obama plan and the Romney plan.
Try... The Grrr plan.
We pass protective legislation and rebuild our Industrial base.
Stop buying oil from opec and use our own and sell the surplus.
We give the world and most especially OPEC a bill for 60 years of protective services that should cover any national debt with enough left over for beer and a movie.
Let's be real.
Just WHO is going to make us pay..if we tell the world to bug off.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Vampire and the Dentist.

"How did it go?" Bruce asked a happy Vlad  the night after the dentist, as Vlad showed Bruce his newly restored fang.
"It went well, they have sure improved things in the last 100 years! No pain or screams
But I am glad that nice Stef was with me."
"She is a treasure." said Bruce.
"Bruce, you don't know..the paper work..the was frightening . Greek it was. Worse I speak Greek!!  Stef saw I was having a problem and pitched in, otherwise ..and when it came time to pay..I handed the nurse five  gold coins..I know..I know a lot, but who understands the prices today? Anyway, the nurse called the accountant and he said the I could not use Turkish gold coins or even American, that I had to have a visa or master card and a credit history?
Him, I almost bit. Stef told me not to worry and used her card."
"A princess..who told you?" said Bruce.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Vampire and the Dentist.  Part I V

Gretta called up Stef.
“Stef , dear. Can you do me a favor? I truly need your help.”
“How can I help Gretta?” Asked Stef.
“You remember Vlad, Bruce the Shark’s friend?”
“Yes, of course. We met on the cruise” Replied Stef.
“Well, he broke a tooth and must go to the dentist but the big baby is …well, you know how males are about that sort of thing.”
“I do indeed, said Stef.  Bob won’t go to a doctor or dentist unless he has a pain or toothache, I told and told him but does he listen?”
“Same with Grrr, he will fight a dragon with one claw tied behind his back but go to the doctor? That he thinks is scary.
“Anyway, dear If Vlad had a friend to hold his hand?? I cannot go, as it is a human office, nor can Bruce…so I was hoping?”
“Of course, replied Stef. What time and where?”
“He has a night appointment, I know that is strange, but he is a vampire and the dentist owes Bruce a favor. You could meet and go from my cave at 8 PM, tonight the appointment is for 9PM?
"I will be there, said Stef."
"Thank you dear" said Gretta.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

worth looking at has names dates and facts.

Dino Elections.
Grrr and Bob were sitting around watching the "News" on TV and the subject of the elections came up.
"Ole Pal, asked Grrr, I don't understand do you Humans pick a leader?...
Bob went on to explain the Constitution and Voting and theories of government.
"Seems a bit complex, if you don't mind my saying so." replied Grrr sipping his rootbeer.
"How do you T-Rex pick a leader?" Bob asked
"Mostly we don't, you see we Rex figure that a grown Rex ought to be able to take care of things on his own."
"I know that you are head of the T-Rex, Grrr, how did you get that position?" asked Bob.
"O that, well among Rex there has to be a leader to handle those rare problems that effect all Rex.
So if you want that job, you show up at the Volcano when the current  head rex dies or quits and go up to the top of the volcano with any and all other rex who want the job, whoever walks back down is the this case me." replied Grrr with a toothy t-rex grin.
"Wow!!! said Bob,  no months of speeches or endless TV adds or phone calls  or talking heads shouting at each other on TV?"
"Nope" said Grrr. "which of  us is "prehistoric" now old buddy? Grrr asked with a smile.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The  Vampire and the Dentist.
"Vlad, said Bruce the Shark, don't be a wust!
 World Wars you lived in, a spy and master of black ops..even "the Business" and THAT takes a mench to handle and now you sit there and shake from the dentist"???!!!
 "It is ok for YOU to talk Bruce, said Vlad, you sharks regrow your teeth but  us vampires ? One set is all we get". I ...I..heard things from the other undead, the needles and the drill!!!!!  I always take good care of my teeth.  I brush 5 or 6 times a day after every meal even a snack and I brush..This is Not fair"!!!!!!Cried the vampire.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Vlad, asked Bruce the Shark, what is the matter?"
"Mein fang, I broke the tip of mein fang on that shell!"....
"It will be alright, my friend, said Bruce, we sharks lost teeth all the time, I will call Walther, my dentist and make an appointment."
"A..A..A dentist!, cried Vlad the 100 year old fearless vampire...but..Bruce..I..I..have never been to the Dentist."
You know the islamic who attacked us are sort of like the big mouth in the bar.
After a few, he talks loud and looks for a fight. 
The big guy over at the end of the bar is drinking his beer and looking at the TV and loud mouth goes over and says did you hear what I said? 
No, the big guy says I was looking at the tv.
Wtf are you deaf.?..
No, the big guy says, look I don't want any trouble.
So l
oud mouth starts to cuss him.
Look the guy replies, if I did anything...
Then loud mouth pushes him and the guy, not wanting to fight, gets up and starts to walk to the door.
Loud mouth slaps him in the back of the head.
Where upon the guy, being the head of the local karate dojo beats the living hell out of loudmouth, who wakes up in the ER and asks what happened??
Sooner or later the Islamic world is going to wake up in the ER.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Vlad   the Vampire and the Dentist.

Vlad was visiting with his friend Bruce the Shark, as they sat talking by Bruce's pool.
Vlad absent mind-idly picked up a walnut, and thinking it a grape, bit into it.
Snap went the point of his right fang!!!
"Oh..No" said Vlad mein fang..mein fang".
"What is it'? asked a concerned Bruce.
"I..I..broked mein fang!!'" cried the vampire.

To be continued...

Fine as far as it goes..but if you send the jobs over seas, where are a lot of people going to go but on the dole?

As a teacher for 25 years I assu
re you that not everyone can be a computer geek, engineer, doctor or even a history teacher.

Some of the best kids I knew had to work to get a "C".

Kid goes to burger king and gets 6 bucks a hour and sees his pal getting 10 on welfare and free medical and food stamps?? What path do YOU think most people are going to take?

Free trade is out of date as is J.M. Keynes.

If you don't want people dependent on the state, don't continue an outmoded system, that however good it was 60 years ago, now forces that them to be.

May as well fly into battle in a Spad!!!

Tariffs now...make in in the USA...use our own coal and oil.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Rocks and Noble" old friend, Rocks and Noble". "The Dino/Human Book store? asked Grrr.
"That is the place, they have fine coffee and root beer and deep soft chairs for both our species, the latest books ..."
"Perfect, said Grrr. "I think that the girls would be happy to drop us off while they shop, I think they only need us to load the car anyway"

"Buddy, said Bob, we got us a plan". 

Grrr and Bob clicked root beer bottle and coffee cup together and smiled.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Plan.

"We need a plan. ole ape" Grrr said to Bob or it is the MALL for us and no mistake."
"I know, replied Bob, but it has to be a good one the girls are getting wise".
"We could pretend to be mad at each other and not want to hang out?"
"Never work, said Grrr. The girls won't believe it and if they did we would have more problems."
"Humm..true, said Bob. "Ok, look if we cannot lick about we join them?"
"You have the evil look again, ole human..what do you have in mind?" Asked Grrr.
"Rocks and Noble" old friend, Rocks and Noble". "The Dino/Human Book store? asked Grrr.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Gretta and Stef have decided that they need to update their cave and house.....

Stef anf Gretta were looking at their homes and the ladies decided that the place needed to be fixed up.
Bob and Grrr were not happy about this. They did not mind the fact that their wives were "Fixing" things as  the ladies were careful shoppers and spent wisely.

But they knew that they would be dragged to the mall and the furniture stores..that they did not like.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Grrr and Bob are hiding in the Swamp. ll

Grrr and Bob are sitting around their den in the swamp watching  Star Trek "Enterprise" DVDs and talking.
"What happened with Jr. and the cheating, old reptile?" Bob asked.
"That, kid has his brain in his tail, they were not his cheat sheets. 
It seems that they belonged to a kid named Peter". Grrr said.
"The Peter who is the QB of the team?" asked Bob.

"That is the kid, but it seems that he was not cheating but using them to study before class, Jr knew that they were not his, but figured that the team would lost the big game without Pete and you know Mrs. Bronto would kick him off, last game or no last game."
"So. Jr. decides to take one for the team as the kids say?" Asked Bob.
"Yep", replied Grrr, drinking his rootbeer, " did not know that it was his notes, that got Jr. in trouble until he got home and found them missing  Sunday night and then he and his dad called Mrs. Bronto at home and explained things. Mr. Bronto lifted the suspension, but I took his motor bike away for a week..dumb kid should have told the truth. "

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Grrr and Bob are hiding in the Swamp.

Stef and Gretta want to go to the beach for a couple of days next month and have decided that they should get back into shape...which is a fine idea as far as Bob and Grrr are concerned .
BUT the girls have decided that Grrr and Bob should ..".work out..just a bit dear'.

"When do you think it will be safe to come out Bob?" Grrr asked.
"Buddy, I am staying here for a while, I went to Parris Island, back in the old days, and that was easier.
It  will be health food and organic coffee and  natural root beer  yogurt and  yoga"
"Gad, good thing we've an emergency supply of root beer, burgers,coffee and  donuts laid in".
Grrr replied.
"You've got that right brother, have you ever eaten an organic donut?????

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Constitution Idea of the Day.
About two months from now there will be an election.
Once you go into that voting booth, only you and God know who you voted for. You are NOT required to tell any one.
Now if someone said, the only people who work here vote for X and I had a family to support, I would say "sure I voted for X boss, even if I voted for Z. You may ask how is that honorable?
Easy..a person who would put you in that position is without honor
and therefore outside the rights of honor.
Profs..Newspeople, family, may advise you, but your right to vote as YOU think fit is absolute.
Ask 5 questions:
A. Does the person I am voting share my values?
B. Does the person I am voting have a record of keeping their word.
C. Is the person I am voting for going to be good for me and my family trust with power?
D. It the person I am voting for going to be good for the USA?
E. Has the person been in office before, if so, did she/he do a good
Once the election is over, give the person who won the respect due their office and time..about a year before you judge him or her.
The Problem   Part lll.

Grrr and son walked to the schoolyard.
"Son, my pal Bob was a teacher for years and he has a saying. "I believe every kid until or unless I catch them lying to me". I have always liked that idea, now so far as I know you have never told me a lie, so what is the story?"
"Dad, said Grrr Jr.I was not cheating but I cannot ...I just can't say any more...the game ...I cannot.."
Grrr pulled out his cell phone and called Bob and told him the story.
Bob replied "Jr is honest, Grrr so the question is who sits around him..and how could that affect the Big Game ? Ask him that."  "Thanks pal" said Grrr
"Son, asked Grrr, who sits around you?".
Jr.'s eyes started to move and his tail twitch.."No-one..I mean..why are you asking?????"

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The problem part ll

"Dad, the big game was this weekend and..."
"The team...the TEAM"...Grrr roared ..You, a a Rex from a long line of Rexes, my son, cheated on a test for the team??!!!!!!"  ROAR....."Dear, Gretta said, why don't you have a walk around ..I am sure.."
"Gretta Rex, said Grrr, you stay out of this. He is NOT a nestling, this is a matter of Rex honor and I am, by the volcano, going to get to the bottom of it". Gretta, who had never seen Grrr this angry, did not know what to say.
"Son, said Grrr, if you have anything to say, now would be the time."
"Dad, I did not cheat ..I .."
"Did those papers fall out of your pocket or not?"
""  said Jr.
Grrr,said "It is yes or no, son..which is it?"
The Principal said "Perhaps Grrr, if you..."
"This is now a Rex matter" Mrs Brono..w e  will be back shortly ". replied Grrr.
"Son, come with me..." Grrr said as he walked out of the office..

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Problems: Part 1

Grrr jr was sent to the office for cheating on a test.
It seems that he was taking a Math test and a sheet of formulas fell out his pocket as the teacher walked by.
She sent Grrr Jr to the Principal and the principal spoke to him but had to suspend him and call in Grrr and Gretta.
Gretta being a proper dino mom was very upset and both sad and angry at Jr.
Grrr was just plain mad.
When the dino parents got to the office the saw Jr sitting on a chair outside the office.
"Oh, Nestling, said Gretta, what is could this..."?
Grrr asked, "Son, Did you have answers for that test in your pocket?...yes or no."
"Yes, dad' Jr answered"
Grrr's eyes started to turn red and his tail to swing from side to side..never a good sign.
"HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING  ?" Grrr roared..
The Constitution.
Why we have constitutional guarantee
of our natural rights.
For most of history, the state could toss you in a cell on a whim.
Example: You get arrested for speeding.
If the state arrested you must be a wrong doer or the state would not have arrested you. To say that you are not a wrong doer is to say that the state is say that the state is wrong is to insult the state and undermine the social order...that in itself is enough to earn you a visit to the torture chamber and the headsman.