Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Pizza and the Raptor.

Dr. H. the  Hadrosaur, who married Flower, the hippy raptor, stopped Grrr in the hallway of the "Wellness Center" where they both worked as councilors.
"Ahem..Grrr..have you a minute?..There is a ..ummm.. personal matter..that I would value your advice on."
"Sure Doc, step into my lair" Grrr replied.
"Well..ahh..Grrr", said Dr. H. "I must say, not in any way being judgmental, that our professional consulting rooms should perhaps not be refereed to as "lairs" .Indeed the use of such unprofessional nomenclature must at least on a subconscious level tend to lessen the effectiveness of our processes ."
"Humm" said Grrr, popping a rootbeer and passing over a bowl of leaves to Dr.H.
"Doc," said Grrr. "I have known you for a while and you never seemed to care about this before, what is really on your mind'?
Absently chewing on some leaves, Dr. H replied "Flower and I had our first fight..not a disagreement..not inability to reach consensus".
"Ok, Grrr said "you had a fight..what did you do?"
" gave a honest reply..Flower and I value the ability to share truth and acting in the spirit of that value, I simply replied to an inquirity she posed."
"Doc, what was the question and what did you say?"
"Flower..she..made us an organic pizzia, it was her first attempt..and when she asked what it ..that is to how it might compare to that found at the restaurant, I said that ..the crust was too hard and the pie under baked and the tomato  paste..ah..somewhat lacking." 
"She ..ah..did not take this in the spirit of which it was offered..dear me.. no. She roared at me, she never did that before, and ran to bedroom". "She would not come out and I slept on the couch, in the morning, when I woke, she left a note  saying that she had gone to see Gretta. The room, Grrr, was torn to bits."  
"Grrr, I am not sure..what to do. I was thinking about getting her a cookbook.
  What do you think?"
" you want to lose your head?"

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