Friday, August 31, 2012

Constitution...what is an American part lll.
Why is political power dangerous to liberty?
Simply because political power creates in the human heart the spirit of subservience. A pol has the power to give you things or take them and so like a little kid, we flatter pols, as we did our parents when we wanted something. If the pol,has the power and gives us what we want, we become dependent on him or
The pol, as is human nature, starts to see him/or herself as the front from whose wisdom all things flow and worse, in time so do we.Heck, why put up with that PIA boss or learning that annoying new skill, or that annoying client, when you can just pick up a government check..sit home and watch TV? Of course over time, you become more dependent on that program or grant ..then, like the Godfather, a service is asked....a small favor for the party that did so much for you and like any slave, you have lost the ability to say "NO".

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