Thursday, August 23, 2012

Count Dracula.... It seems too horrible ...

Grrr was in his office at the "Wellness Center" when his nurse called him.
"Grrr, we have a human.. a Count Dracula.. out here. He has no appointment and I told him that as a rule we work with creatures, but he asks to see you...said he is a friend of Vlad?"
"A friend of Vlad? Sure, Nancy, I am open for the next couple of hours." "There is the meeting with the ..." Nancy started to say..."Tsk-tsk". replied Grrr. "You know how I love sad, please send the Count in".
A tall, dark, handsome, rather athletic man, well dressed in a gray, expensive British suit,with matching hamburg hat, entered Grrr's office.
"Thank you for seeing me Herr Grrr. he said, with a nod of his head, I am Dracula."
"Just Grrr, please. You are welcome Count, any friend of Vlad..."
"You are kind Grrr and I understand also from a old and noble line?"
"Well, Rex does mean king and we dinos have been around a while..would you care for a rootbeer?
"Thank you, I always drink vootbeer.  Vlad spoke very well of you sir, and you will, being from an old family, perhaps understand that we..that it.. is difficult to speak of personal..problems."
"Take your time, Count..there is no rush...Say..did you hear the one about the vampire who went to dinner....he would never eat a stake....or there was this vampire who went to England but had to leave..he did not like limes....
"Not bad, but old, I heard those 300 years ago..Vlad? "
"Yep'" Replied Grrr.
"I understand that you  Grrr, were a  Class Dino for many years? That you know something of history, perhaps the history of Transylvania?.
"True Count, I am far from an scholar of Middle European History but I do have a working knowledge.
Let's see now..Transylvania.. part of Romania, under Russian or Turkish control since about 1400...The Romans of course.." Grrr answered.
"Letting his breath out inrelief, I have come to the right place.
Perhaps than you have heard of the small deeds I had the honor to do in the service of my nation?" asked the Count.
"I would not call them "small" Count, you gave your life in the service of your people and nation."
"Yet, outside of Romania, all people remember is the impaling, or thatt foolish book and forget if they ever knew it was a hard time...much harder than today.I love my land..and yet..this thing they ask of me now is horrible..."

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