Saturday, March 10, 2018

The American reaction

I am not going into the history of the Revolution, that you may find in a good old history book.


What we are concerned with here is the background to the Constitution.
The Young USA won independence from England and we owed a lot of money to Holland, France and Spain.  Now those nations had not helped us out of love. It is true that the idea of nationalism and Republic was in the air and many people did support us out of idealism. But, kings and banks tend to be more focused on the return than the ideal. All of those nations had lost wars to England and they, France especially, was more than happy to see England take a major hit and if it should so happen that several of the former English colonies needed a new European patron...All the better mon cher.
The American colonies, after the Revolution,  saw themselves as independent states and were careful to guard that independence. They did form a central government called The Articles of Confederation (  but that was more in the nature of a wartime allance;  having a few thousand British cannon pointed at them tended to make people work together. When the Revolution was won and the British gone things started to appear different.
A.Who or how were we going to pay France, Spain and Holland back?
B. The new states began to fight over just who and from what state could move into the Western lands.
C.Would New Jersey money be taken in New York?
D.  The Indians did NOT want the paleface in the Western lands, It would mean war. Wars cost. Would  only the state say New York or Georgia pay for troops or would the Confederation?
There were many many problems like this and England and France and Spain were still out there and many of the indian nations were feared.
At last it was decided that Articles had to be fixed...When that was seen as a bad job, they wrote the Constitution.
Monday: The Birth of the Constitution.

Image result for picture of the constitutional convention

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