Friday, May 12, 2017

A run in or perhaps a swim in with an old pal?

Gretta and Stef were off getting a workout at the ship's gym and the dino kids were somewhere. Bob and Grrr were sitting by the ship's pool cup and can in hand  (and claw) watching the water show with the music from Jaws playing in the background.
"Ya know pal, ya gotta admire the ladies." Grrr said and he raised his rootbeer.
"Yep going to the Gym instead of the show, that takes will power." Agreed Bob as he raised his cup in saute.
When the show ended the big white shark swam over to the side  of the pool where Bob and Grrr sat and said; " Grrr?"
"Hold on. Hold on. " mumbled the shark to himself."Where are my glasses??? "
"Grrr kid, it is you! So how’s by you?
You still seeing that cute raptor?"
"Great, Buddy. Great." replied a happy and  surprised Grrr.
"Hold on. I want to meet Bob, my best human friend.
Bob..Bob!Jump in. Meet Bruce". A happy Grrr called as he dived into the pool.
"Ahh, I  don't  know  I..hum.. I have not met too many sharks." Bob said.
"Naw.  Nothing to worry about . Bruce is a pal. He got me my big break in Hollywood."
"OK.  Any friend of Grrr’s." said Bob. Jumping into the pool.
"Say, are you “THE BRUCE THE SHARK” from “JAWS”? Bob asked.
"That’s me sonny. I played the star in all 3.
The first was the only one worth watching." Bruce  said.
"No..No.".Grrr and Bob said.  "You were great in all three."
"So what are you doing here?" Grrr asked.
"Taking  a vacation and working part time. You see the Cruise line gives me free fish and I get my own pool as long as I swim out once or twice a day and give the tourists a scare.
Such a gig!  “Gone with the Wind” it's not.  But it keeps me in fish."  Bruce said.
"You have gotta meet Gretta and the kids." Grrr said.
"And Stef my wife."  Bob said. "She loves Hollywood and movie stars."
"My pleasure guys".   Bruce said. "Come by my pool for lunch.  I have to get back to work.
"The pool  on Deck A by the Captain’s cabin. I will leave word to let you guys in.
Gotta swim. Later." Bruce said.
"Wow. Grrr."  Bob said, "I knew that you were big in Hollywood but I never knew that  you knew Bruce the Shark from Jaws."
"Pull up a chair and a coffee Bob." Grrr said as they climbed out of the pool, "I will tell you a story."
To be continued
Image result for picture of a great white shark

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