Monday, July 16, 2012

Dr. H saves the day.

Rose Rodan walked up to the boys.
Grrr, Bob, Dr. H, it is so good of you to come to see Ron’s movie!!!
Have some root beer or are some nice She said with a kind aunt smile.
Ron Rodan, a loud mouth pterodactyl had made one movie “Rodan” back in the 60‘s and never let anyone forget it.
 Enough with the food Rosy.  He said to his wife.
It is time for the show.
Grrr. Where are Bruce and Vlad? I was going to talk “the biz” with them.
Run a few projects by them give them the chance to back my new project?
“Rodan meets the Zombies”  “Zombie Rodin”
Rose? Rodan said harshly. You DID remember to tell them I wanted them here?
Puffing on his cigar and flapping his wing in  anger.
Well. Never mind...never mind...their bad luck.
After the movie Grrr we can talk.
It won’t be much and the box office, even  after my 50%,
will be huge.!!!
Gee. Bob said. Only 50 % for a big star like you?
Well, that does not count the advance and the overseas market ..the toy and TV rights..of course.
 Said Rodan with a greedy look.
Would not expect it too. Said Bob with a look of pure innocence..

Ole Dr. H, unnoticed by Rodan who was making his sales pitch to Bob and Grrr, had gotten his
tail among the Blue ray player wires and pulled the cables out.
Bob, noting Dr. H, gave Grrr a light kick on the tail and said.
Sounds Good Rodan, too bad, as a retired old teacher, I don’t have cash to invest.
But you do have a nice house, Bob a mortgage would be a fine investment.
Yes, said Bob. I am sure Stef would love that.
I can keep costs low. replied Rodan. I have a line on some plastic tanks from China.
Fine.said Bob as Dr. H nodded to him.
Lets watch the movie!
I would not expect you, not being in the creative arts Bob, to appcerate the difference Bob. But I don't make humf.."movies" . I CREATE Films.

Ron Rodan pushed "play" on the remote and nothing worked.
With an angry snort, he kept pushing the buttons.
Humm..Dr H. said. There appears to be a difficultly, if YOU cannot fix it,perhaps we should call someone?
No, need, if the little people can do hard can it be?
After a minute of pulling cable and connecting things Rodan pushed the “PLAY’ button to be rewarded with a hiss and a shower of sparks.
Taking the chance, Bob said..Tell you what, I will come back later when it is fixed.
Yeah, said Grrr me too.
 Humm. It seems I must leave as well, said Dr. H and dear Rose you must come as well, Flower wanted to speak with you and we will leave Rodan to work in peace.
The creative mind must have solitude at times.  said Dr. H.
As the three boys got back on deck and Rose left to visit Flower.
Grrr turned to Dr.H and said thanks Doc.  Thanks indeed doctor. Bob added.
I never saw you move Doc, till Bob stepped on my tail. Grrr said.
One of the  the    the advantages of being a grasser  in a land of meaters my boy.
Dr. H said with a big duckbill smile. One learns to move ...ur..carefully.
If one wants to remain off the menu.

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