Monday, July 9, 2012

An Endangered species?????
Grrr told me that he and Gretta, either take the dimensional tube or drive. 
I asked him what about airlines? as I recall, I said you enjoy flying. 
Enjoyed..Bob..Enjoyed. Not any more.
Have a cup and a donut and I will tell you a frightening tale of humans gone wild.
We were at the airport going to visit some friends in Hollywood.
It was during summer intersession and seemed like a good idea.
Well, as we were going to the plane, some humans insisted on searching us. No Dino has ever ever been a terrorist. We are good Americans. So I figure ok..look at the bags.
But my lawyer pointed out the we, Dinos, are a rare and therefore endangered species and could file suit under the Endangered Species ACT. Well, the human in charge called his boss and she called DC and as the elections were coming up. No one wanted bad press. They even gave us a VIP PASS so we can fly now without being bothered. But..I won't.

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