Thursday, July 12, 2012

o, Vlad said. I went home. Such a time!
my father yelled and mother cried. We were from Balkans after all and knew what had happened to me.
But Popa was always wise and had friends.
For many years the family had supported good works among them the local hospital.
Popa spoke to some people and I was given a discharge from the army and a position as night supervisor at the local hospital.

Hospitals run 24/7 and there is a blood bank. A pint of type "O" a day no one misses and I was able to help many fellas hurt in the war.

Well, after about 20 years, 1935. I think it was.
This film company came from England to film "Dracula..Duke of Darkness". Grrr rolled his eyes. I know ...I know. Said Vlad.
But we don't name them Grrr, we just play in them.
Anyway. The producer had hurt his leg and come to the hospital, while he was there, we ran into each other.
Well, one thing led to the other and he asked to to read for a part...

To be continued..

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