Saturday, October 6, 2012

The progressives want to take out Assad of Syria and put in an "Arab Spring" read Islamic brotherhood gov. But Assad, having seen the fate of the of the leaders of Egypt and Libya, won't go.

So far his army, and Russia and China, supports him and he does have stocks of war gases.
So Hill wants a no-fly zone(bombing runs) but Russia and China can veto that in the UN.

Now it is very close to the election and Mr.Obama does not need another war.
Yet, if he loses, The progressives  are  out of power and there goes the completion of the Arab Spring, for perhaps four years at least.

So problem:
Assad cannot be removed any time soon with out bombing runs, which Russia and China can veto in the UN.
Mr.Obama cannot be seen to unilaterally order US attacks before the election and if he loses office, the game is up.

Answer: NATO.
Turkey is in NATO and the USA under the progressives would chose to honor our NATO agreement to support Turkey, if Turkey can be seen as attacked.

So, Some Islamic brotherhood types fire some mortar rounds into Turkey.
We know the Islamics have mortar crews. They used them against us in Benghazi.
Turkey blames Assad, who has NO REASON to want a war with Turkey and NATO right now.
While the Islamic brotherhood have every reason to, as it would get them the air support they need to win.

If Turkey invades Syria, in self defense of course, either the Turks take out Assad..problem solved.
 or they get mired down and NATO has to send in air support. 
Again.. problem solved. 
Or Assad knows he cannot win, which is what, I think, is hoped in the State Dept and makes a deal.

(Turkey, our NATO ally, who, as I recall, would NOT let us use their airspace when we went to war)

So NATO, an alliance created to defend Europe against the long gone USSR, can be used to build the Arab Spring.

Thus leaving the Saudis the main Islamic power, after we take out Iran, in the Middle East.
Not very creative ..but time is short. 

Of course, this assumes that Russia does not move an army to the Turkish Border or leans on Europe, who is now dependent on Russia for energy, (winter is coming) to "work for a peaceful solution" in the UN. 

Of course, China cannot move an army in Europe, but being the BANKER, China can pressure a very very weak Euro to make Europe "give peace a chance."

Thus, leaving us once more alone and holding the short end of the stick.
Which would make China and Russia very happy.
Hope I am wrong, but I would not bet a Mauser on it.


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