Thursday, October 18, 2012

It all comes down to coal and oil.
We send many billions over seas to pay for oil.
If we kept that money here, we could use it to put people to work rebuilding our cities and industry as japan and Germany did after World War ll. 
More, cheap American energy could be exported. 
Energy exports are what rebuild Russia after the fall of the USSR.
Mr. Obama will NOT do that. Why? I don't know. 
I know that many in his party want "green" power but that only plays into the hands of OPEC as we cannot as yet generate enough cheap "green power" to run the nation..perhaps in 50 years...can you afford to be out of work THAT long?
More over cheap energy would bring jobs back to the USA. I don't think that people want to spend their life on Welfare and foodstamps. Give people the chance of a good job and they WILL take it.
That is one reason to vote for Mr. Romney.
Counter point: Many will say that that will make the oil people rich.
Well, that money IS going to be spent the only question is "Where will it be spent?" Here or overseas?
Counterpoint: The environment must be protected:.
We have the ability to drill and mine and keep pollution down, will it be 100 percent there never be a spill or some pollution no.That is a risk we must take 7,000.000.000 humans cannot survive in a preindustrial world. I know there are some GREENS who say the answer is to reduce the population.
The question then is, "Who gets reduced?" 
Take a look at YOUR family.. Shall we send THEM to the wall to "save the planet?"
A very wise man once told me not to assume that it was always the "other guy" who was going to be shot.
This is NOT China:
We have unions, not all unions are bad by any means, and worker protection laws, a booming economy will create a labor shortage as it did in Germany after WW ll and people will get good pay....perhaps even a return to the time when a person, could on one 40 hour a week pay check, support a family, buy a house and a US made car, take a vacation once a year and put a bit away in the bank.

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