Monday, October 22, 2012

The Debate   Debate 3
Fact check:
Romney did say that the government should help the auto industry recover after a managed bankruptcy.
Mr. Obama did in fact go to the Middle East and apologize for the past actions of the USA.
I would have to give this to Mr. Romney.
Mr. Obama could not defend his record..all that he could say is that we will do better, if reelected. He seemed like a person who ran out of lines all he could do was repeat..
As to the Arab Spring, as far as I can see all Mr. Obama's policy has done is put more radical islamics in power.
 How is that going to help anyone:
Women the radicals want them back under the rule of the Koran and will stone them for disrespect.
Christians or Jews? Jews and Christians are being killed for being Christians and Jews as I write and in lands where until the Arab Spring,women were getting more rights and Jews and Christians had lived in peace for 1000 years.
Mr. Obama wants to reduce  or get rid of our atomic weapons at a time that Russia and China are building theirs. That I cannot support.The only thing preventing WW III is the fact that our foes know we have atomic weapons. In a war without atomic weapons, China and Russia can put millions of people in the field and their weapons are almost as good as ours  so who do You think would win?
I like Romney’s closing points..we are far from done and we can and will do better.
I would have preferred Ron Paul or Dr. Keyes but that is not to be.
so of the two men now running I wound  endorse Mr. Romney.
P.S. Since I no longer have the honor of being your teacher ..Just the guy who hangs out with Grrr, I am free to make political recommendations.

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