Monday, January 12, 2015

The Vampire and the Dentist.


"How did it go?" Bruce asked a happy Vlad  the night after the dentist, as Vlad showed Bruce his newly restored fang.
"It went well, they have sure improved things in the last 100 years! No pain or screams
But I am glad that nice Stef was with me."
"She is a treasure." said Bruce.
"Bruce, you don't know..the paper work..the was frightening . Greek it was. Worse I speak Greek!!  Stef saw I was having a problem and pitched in, otherwise ..and when it came time to pay..I handed the nurse five  gold coins..I know..I know a lot, but who understands the prices today? Anyway, the nurse called the accountant and he said the I could not use Turkish gold coins or even American, that I had to have a visa or master card and a credit history?
Him, I almost bit. Stef told me not to worry and used her card."
"A princess..who told you?" said Bruce.

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