Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Plan.

Stef and Gretta were looking at their homes and the ladies decided that their places needed to be fixed up.
Bob and Grrr were not happy about this. They did not mind the fact that their wives were "Fixing" things as  the ladies were careful shoppers and spent wisely.
But they knew that they would be dragged to the mall and the furniture stores..that they did not like.
"We need a plan. ole ape" Grrr said to Bob "or it is the MALL for us and no mistake."
"I know"  replied Bob, But it has to be a good one the girls are getting wise".
"We could pretend to be mad at each other and not want to hang out?"
"Never work", said Grrr. "The girls won't believe it and if they did we would have more problems."
"Humm..true", said Bob. "Ok, look if we cannot lick about we join them?"
"You have the evil look again, ole human..what do you have in mind?" Asked Grrr.
"Rocks and Noble" old friend, Rocks and Noble" said Bob

"The Dino/Human Book store?" asked Grrr.
"That is the place. They have fine coffee and root beer and deep soft chairs for both our species,free WiFi and the latest books."
"Perfect", said Grrr. "I think that the girls would be happy to drop us off while they shop. 

I think they only need us to load the car anyway"

"Buddy, said Bob, we got us a plan". 

Grrr and Bob clicked root beer bottle and coffee cup together and smiled.

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