Sunday, January 27, 2013

Divide and Conquer of take them guns one type at a time

Opinion: More Divide and Conquer.

Mr. Obama gives one the impression that the Second amendment was put into the Bill of Rights so that George Washington could go duck or deer hunting.

Stop and think about 18th Century America, you will see that that dog won’t hunt. : )

The opening shots of the Revolution were fired at Lexington and Concord when the Minutemen confronted the British Army who were on a mission to collect American Arms.
The Royal Army was not sent on that mission to protect the deer and ducks.

The Second Amendment was demanded by the people as a condition of accepting The Constitution.
This right was demanded because Americans feared that a strong central government would grow into a dictator ship if the people did not have the armed power to restrain that government.

What the left is trying to do is divide the shooting community.

If they can do that, they believe that they will get the semi-autos now and the bolt guns and hand guns later.

Remember Finestein told us after the last ban, that she would have taken EVERY gun in America away from the people but the votes for total seizure were not there so she had to settle for a partial ban.

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