Friday, August 4, 2017

The sad faced man..his past...simply not my calling...

"But I felt the need to see old friends. So I am here in Dinotown."
"Well I don't care why you're here ya ole dog. I am glad to see you." Roared a very happy Grrr.
"Agreed any pal of Grrr's is a pal of mine." said Bob."But if you dont mind my asking?"
"Of course my new friend, you are free to ask..but understand being British, I may not answer!"
"Of course, goes without saying" replied Bob. "I had always heard from the ole reptile, that for an actor almost any part is a "good part" so why so unhappy?"
"My friend..I may call you that?" " I would be honored" replied Bob. "My friend than in most cases that is  true. Once the acting bug bites..But while I have the normal humor and who does not like and respect "Abbott and Costello?"  It was simply not my calling.

Image result for picture of abbott and costello

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