Sunday, August 6, 2017

How did ya become a wolfman in the movies sir?

It  was HOT. Well in Florida, in August it is expected to be hot.  But THIS was HOT.
Bob and Grrr were sitting around in their running gear on the porch  thinking about PT. Gretta and Stef being ladies and smart had gone to the pool.
"Hot" said Grrr
"yep" said Bob
"Ya think we should go to the pool and join the ladies?" asked Bob.
"Pal think! They told us it was too hot to run but we said we were tough like when we were running  10 miles around Cal State. You wanna admit that we got old?"
"Sorry pal. I dont know what I was saying!" admitted Bob
"That's ok old ape.  Hot." said Grrr
"Yep" Replied Bob.
"Got the coffee and Rootbeer and donuts in the garage" said Bob as he went and carried out a supply.
"That is more like it!" said Grrr as he popped a cold can with his claw.
"Good morning my friends. May I join you?" Larry Talbot called as he stepped on to the porch.
"Of course sir" replied Bob. "Come on up Rover" called Grrr to his old friend.
"Thank you friends. It is indeed warm and I am waiting for the "POD" to come with some things. I happened to see you gentlebeings and as I can see the driveway from here. Well, some friends to talk with is a very fine thing."
"Would you care for a coffee sir and a donut or several?" asked Bob.
"Thank you friend Bob. Please call me Larry all of these sirs seems a bit formal." "Ok, you got it Larry." Replied Bob handing Larry a cup and a plate of donuts.
"Ya know pal I was wondering how you became a wolfman and got into the business, if ya dont mind my asking?" Grrr said
"I should be most pleased to unfold my story to such friends. But I must warn you chaps, it is not a short account.
"Take ya time pal. It beats running in the heat!" said Grrr.
"Truth" added Bob.
"Well, it was as I recall August 1914......"Image result for picture of a british newspaper aug 1914

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