Friday, November 2, 2012

Why we should elect Mr. Romney

Opinion...Why I think Mr. Romney should be elected.

I don't think that Mr. Obama is a bad person, Islamic or born in Kenya.
He is I think trying to do his best. What President wants to fail?
But he is an  professor, an idealist tied to Utopian theory.
The problem is that at this point in our history we cannot afford theory.
Too many people are out of work or working two jobs not to pay for
a cruise or a special sports car, but simply to pay the bills and save their home.
We owe trillions to China. Now it is true that they cannot force us to repay, but they can stop lending  to us.  What then?  We have enough oil and coal to last us 500 years, and we could as Russia is doing sell the surplus and use the wealth to rebuild our cities and put our people to work. Americans of any religion or race or gender want to work. A man wants to go home to his wife with a good paycheck and know that he is taking care of her and the kids. A  working mom wants to be able to buy new things for her kids and care for them and not have to work two jobs so she has time to see the kids. 21 year olds wants  to know that when they finish college, that they will have a chance at a professional career, not have to go home and live in the basement.
We have the coal ...we have the oil but "enlightened" types won't let us use it. They mean well...they want to do good but we cannot afford them.
There is a story about this farmer in India where several times a year the elephants march across his field and stomp his crops. Well, he wanted to put up a fence or shoot a few elephants but that was not allowed. We must protect the elephants he was told. Now that seems nice, but I have always wondered what about the poor farmer and his family? Who was going to protect them?
The problem with Idealists is that they are blinded by their ideal of how things "SHOULD" work and cannot see when things are not working.

We  have hard working and intelligent folks here and given the chance we will rebuild. We have the food...we have the coal and oil and steel...we have the will... we have the brains.
What we need is less idealism and more common sense at the top.
If Mr. Romney cannot produce in 4 years, we will find someone else.

Tomorrow's topic...We must end "Free Trade."

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