Monday, November 12, 2012

Opinion ...PC LOGIC??????

Opinion ...PC LOGIC??????

If I am white and say I want to vote for a person because he is white...that is racist.
If I am black or Hispanic or Asian and say that I want to vote for a person because he is black or Hispanic or Asian that is Ok.
If I am a man and say that I want to vote for a person because he is a man, that is sexism.
But if I am a woman and say that I want to vote for a woman beca...

use she is a woman..the is ok.
News flash: You either vote for people bcause of their positions or you are into "ISM" and there is no difference. Double speak belongs in "1984".
This is a free country and if you want to vote for or against someone because of race or gender that is your right.
I think you are foolish, content of charactar and Ideals are what matter..but that is my view and you have the right to disagree.
But no-one has the right to rework the meaning of the language to suit their PC world view.

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