Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sherlock Rex...part ll

In a rough part of town Al "the Claw" Allosaurus was doing business.
Billy Bronto and Joe Raptor were reporting to the "Claw" .
A small duckbill, Donny, was cringing bruised and bleeding in the corner of the office.
"I will pay, Mr. Al ...I will pay, I always pay...but my kids...egg was cracked and we had to pay the doctor or he would never walk..I ...please."
"Shut up, can't you see I am talking, some dinos got no manners", said Al as he nodded to Joe Raptor, who went over and kicked Donny into a sobbing submission.
"Like, I told you Joe, you gotta get respect or you gotta get out of the business, this ducky, came to me took my money...I helped him, now he disrespects me."
"No..Mr. Al...please... my children...I will pay..please." cried Donny.
"Joe. I told you to shut him up. Can't you do anything right?" said an angry Al.
"I run this business..I am the creature"...just then the phone rang.
An angry Al, picked it up and said "WHAT DO YOU WANT???"
After a moment, "The Claw" turned a pale sickly green..."No, .sir. .I mean yes...I ..I..tell the Doctor..I  no, I mean, please let the Doctor know...I ..No..I... we...Yes..Yes right away....Yes."
As a shaken Al, hung up..Billy asked.."Was that..was that... the Doctor?"  ....

To be continued

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