Sunday, November 4, 2012


The brand new 60 inch flat screen in the living room of Grrr's cave was in shattered bits on the ground and Grrr was stomping and roaring in a blood mad rage. 
Even Gretta was frightened, as she had never seen him this angry.
"What are we going to do momma? " Asked Little Gretta. "Yeah", said Grrr jr. "Dad, looks like he wants to get Jurassic on someone!"
 "Brother, why not tell daddy about your "c" in history now? He can't get any madder!"
"That is not funny bronto brain, answered Grrr JR. I..."
 "You kids knock it off RIGHT NOW." said Gretta.
Going to the kitchen, Gretta picked up the phone and called Stef.
"Stef? Is Bob home? Something set Grrr off.
The new TV is smashed and he is going Jurassic. Can Bob come over and talk to him?" 
 " I will tell Bob right away." Replied Stef.
As Bob walked into Grrr's yard he could see an enraged T-Rex ripping the palm tree out of the ground.
"What is it buddy?" asked Bob.  
"Feathers" Roared an enraged Grrr.
"What???...Shouted Bob "Are they pulling that chicken crap again???!!!" 
Tossing his cup to the ground in a rage. Yelling and shouting "marinewords"  "Those&(**)(*)(*&(*&)(*)*_(&(*&$$%."

The two pals stomped around in a shared  rage..roaring ...chickens  
CHICKENS  !!!!!!!!! be continued...

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