Saturday, November 10, 2012

Nobody reads History.

Nobody reads their History!!!!
I was watching two talking heads on TV debating why unmarried women and Black people would vote for Mr. Obama.
In my Women’s history class, the Prof told us that unmarried women needed abortion because they, the women, COULD NOT TRUST MEN. As long as women feel that way the will NOT give up birth control or abortion.
Two “EXPERTS” were debating why so many Black people voted for Mr. Obama.
In 1960, JFK, the first Catholic to run for president since since Al Smith in 1912, was running for president and EVERY Catholic I knew voted for him.
Catholics who had voted Republican since 1860, voted for the Democrat Kennedy.
 Irish and Italians who hated each other, and they did, stood in long lines to vote the first Catholic President.
No body reads history. 

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