Wednesday, September 19, 2012

You know the islamic who attacked us are sort of like the big mouth in the bar.
After a few, he talks loud and looks for a fight. 
The big guy over at the end of the bar is drinking his beer and looking at the TV and loud mouth goes over and says did you hear what I said? 
No, the big guy says I was looking at the tv.
Wtf are you deaf.?..
No, the big guy says, look I don't want any trouble.
So l
oud mouth starts to cuss him.
Look the guy replies, if I did anything...
Then loud mouth pushes him and the guy, not wanting to fight, gets up and starts to walk to the door.
Loud mouth slaps him in the back of the head.
Where upon the guy, being the head of the local karate dojo beats the living hell out of loudmouth, who wakes up in the ER and asks what happened??
Sooner or later the Islamic world is going to wake up in the ER.

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