Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dino Elections.
Grrr and Bob were sitting around watching the "News" on TV and the subject of the elections came up.
"Ole Pal, asked Grrr, I don't understand do you Humans pick a leader?...
Bob went on to explain the Constitution and Voting and theories of government.
"Seems a bit complex, if you don't mind my saying so." replied Grrr sipping his rootbeer.
"How do you T-Rex pick a leader?" Bob asked
"Mostly we don't, you see we Rex figure that a grown Rex ought to be able to take care of things on his own."
"I know that you are head of the T-Rex, Grrr, how did you get that position?" asked Bob.
"O that, well among Rex there has to be a leader to handle those rare problems that effect all Rex.
So if you want that job, you show up at the Volcano when the current  head rex dies or quits and go up to the top of the volcano with any and all other rex who want the job, whoever walks back down is the this case me." replied Grrr with a toothy t-rex grin.
"Wow!!! said Bob,  no months of speeches or endless TV adds or phone calls  or talking heads shouting at each other on TV?"
"Nope" said Grrr. "which of  us is "prehistoric" now old buddy? Grrr asked with a smile.

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