Sunday, November 9, 2014

Rocks for brains kid.....

"By the way, Bill, thanks for helping out my rocks for brains kid." said Grrr raising his can in salute.
"What happened with Jr.? " Bob asked.
"Well, Jr and his girl Rexy were standing by the rear of the ship watching the Gorgos swim
and Rexy said that young Gorgo was “cool” when he dived off the ship."
"Let me guess  Jr dived off." Bob said 
"Yep." Grrr said. "He dd not stop to think that Gorgo is a Sea dino and T-Rex’s are Land dinos". 
"Would not have mattered". said Bill. "Nope"  agreed  Grrr and Bob.
"Captain had to heave-to and lower a boat to pick him up. Lucky for him Mrs. Gorgo was swimming alongside and grabbed him till the boat got there. Captain was mad and going to confine Jr to the cabin for the rest of the Cruise. Bill saved his butt. He used your trick. He indentured him for a week." Grrr said. 
"Let the kid move cargo, hot and dirty in the hold; after a week, he gets his cruise back.  Honest kid told the truth. The skipper is old school and respects honor.  The kid showed he had that by telling the truth; so the skipper did not want to ruin his cruise. Good kid just young and dumb. Sorta like us at that age." Bill said."That is the truth". said Grrr . "Sure is." said Bob with a nod.."yep." agreed Bill.
"Would you guys have time for " Lost world part ll"? Lots of coffee and root beer left." Bill said.
"Black and white or the new colorized one? asked Grrr
'"Ya kidding? only the original black and white!" Bill replied.
"You got it pal" said Grrr and Bob lifting can and cup with happy grins pleased at having met a new pal.

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