Friday, November 21, 2014

A very British Gator

Al Gator and Animal Control.

Bob woke at 4 A.M. with the sound of  Grrr banging his tail on Bob’s front door.
Half asleep with a yawn, Bob opened the door. “Pal,” he said “It is 4 o’clock, Gretta get smart and toss
you out?”  “it is not me, Buddy. It is Al Gator, he put too much sugar in his Earl Grey and
went wandering down the street again.
Some humans saw him, freaked and called the cops. So  he is back in the tank. We gotta spring him.”
“Huh,” Said Bob still trying to wake up. Grrr handed him a cup of coffee and “Yeah, he called me  from the slammer, we got to get him out before those creeps from EPA find him.  your friend Officer Martinez, the old marine, is on duty and if you ask him, he will cut Al loose and lose the paperwork.”
The two pals went down to the Animal Control station and after a few words and a box of donuts changed hands,  Al Gator was out.
“Thanks, mates.” Said Al. “Don’t know how that happened. “I was enjoying the cricket match and put a few extra lumps in me tea, decided to go see some mates, must of taken a wrong thing I know some bloody humans, no offense Bob, were yelling and some bloke roped me like a bloody cow.”
“I saw the tape buddy. You were singing “God save the Queen.” and yelling something about Bunker Hill and restoring the honor of ole England. You are lucky those humans did not turn you into  a suitcase.” replied Bob with a smile. “You got that right.” agreed Grrr.

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