Sunday, January 12, 2014

What do we get for Al Gator?

Al's birthday was coming up and the boys had no idea what to get him.
So being wise, they asked their wives.
"Well" said Flower. "Al talks some time about a dish called Babute that he has when he swims down to visit the family for Christmas in Belize, We could get the recipe and make it." "Wonderful, and you know it does get cold here of late, perhaps a nice sweater in green." said Stef.
"Yes, and you know how Al loves his Earl Gray tea, but he was saying that it just does not taste right from a metal pot. I saw this nice Price and Kinsengton English tea pot in the mall."

 "Thank you ladies..bowing Bob and Grrr both said "We are not worthy!!" 
Well, that Thursday, it was Al's birthday. ( Ok, if you want to be exact, Hatching Day, but it is the same thing.) "Right kind of you folks to have me over I..." Al's nose started to twitch, "I say chaps, that cannot be!!"
"Oh but it is." said a smiling Flower taking the plate cover off a steaming bowl of babute. 'For those nights when it gets a bit cold in the swamp," Stef said handing Al a thick hand-made green sweater... "Really, I don't know what to say"...replied Al. "Well, you can say that you will stop complaining about that tea you Limeys drink," said Bob and Grrr handing Al the British teapot and 25 lbs of Twining Earl Gray."
Happy birthday ya bum". 

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