Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Yeti came to visit.

One of Grrr's old pals from his movie days, the Yeti, came to visit.
Now it is not that abominable snowmen, don't like to see friends, it is just that Dinotown is just plain too hot most times. Now ..well, with the cold snap, it is just perfect weather for a visit from the Yeti.
Grrr had met the Yeti when they were both doing "B" movies in Hollywood.
"Yed", as Grrr calls him, he cannot pronounce the Tibetan  name,  loved moves as a young Yeti and like many beings before and after came to Hollywood to make his name.
Alas over time Yeti movies went out of fashion and about that time Bollywood started to make movies closer to Nepal. So Yed picked up the ole makeup case and returned home.
But Yed and Grrr remained fast friends and Grrr was pleased to see his old pal.
To be continued.

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