Tuesday, October 27, 2015

WWWWWhen I was a little bitty T Rex........................

Grrr was sitting in den in the swamp when Al Gator swam by. After listening for a minute Al rushed over  to Bob's house.
AL was a friend of Grrr and Bob. Al was a gator from a Belize family that had swam to Florida about 100 years ago to start a new life. His family  kept many of the old ways and run a construction company, it fact it was Al who built the Den in the Swamp and later  became an honored member.
"I say old boy. I do think that Grrr is a mite poorly..that ole boy sounds a bit around the bend." said a concerned Al.
Putting down his book, a history of the Middle Ages"
Bob handed Al a cup of English Breakfast tea and some homemade bread. After giving Al a minute to start his snack, Bob asked "What is the matter with the old reptile? He seemed ok when last I saw him??"
"I dont rightly know old boy but  judging by the sound it cannot be good."

To be continued.

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