Sunday, October 25, 2015

If you are between 20 and 35 you NEED Trump.

Want a good job with benefits? look at history.
From 1945 till about 1965 Asia and Europe were still smashed flat from WW ll America was not. Good for your grandparents..lifetime jobs and no mistake. Free trade was good for them almost anything the world needed from food to tools had to come from the USA. To call something "made in japan" was to insult it as being cheap junk. By 65 that started to change, the Japanese built small but sold.products and sold cheap and, as there was no longer protectionist trade laws left in the USA Japan flooded the market with transistor radios. then TVs. and motor bikes and cars It worked. It was not "Samurai management " it was lower price! In fact TVs so far as I know are no longer made here. So long jobs. Same with other products Now some of that was our fault, we let the quality of our products decline both labor and management take the blame, but 95% was PRICE. Europe and Asia undersold us. From the 70's till about 2000, we had a lock on computers and tech..The "Third Wave" that is gone as well. Not only are the computers made over seas but the H1-b Visa brings in cheap labor. in Asia $200 a month is called a good paycheck perhaps $300 a month in Mexico.
If a well trained guy or gal from India will do your job for 30k and you want 100k you are OUT and he or she is in. They want that Visa ,and unlike an American, who demand his or her rights, they will work 24/7 and follow orders to keep it!!! It is the new indentured servitude
Trump understands this and says that he will restore protectionist policy to reclaim American jobs.
.i am old and retired, But YOU ARE NOT!
You NEED TRUMP in 16. or it is the welfare line for you in 20

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