Friday, October 2, 2015

Grrr was in a rage...part V.

"They said that I should not bother Uncle Bruce that I was a big Rex ..gonna be a star and a star has to go by feeling so I ..I trusted them."  said Grrr jr.
Grrr and Bob looked at each other and then at Jr. He could read nothing from their stern iron faces.
Grrr. Spokel " Rex go wait in the house we will discuss this and call you  when we are ready."
"yes. Dad..Uncle Bob" Jr said he walked into the house.
"Pal, you know who's fault this is  right?" said Grrr as he reached for a root-beer.

"yep. Ours. No question.The boy has never been a liar and judging by that story he was conned. We did not prepare him for the outside world."  replied Bob 
"We gave him the impression that all beings were honorable; and  that did NOT prepare him for the rats. We have to fix that. but I tell ya, I am going to the Coast and eat that director feet first!: Snarled Grrr. His eyes flashing red.  
"you are just too kind pal but I got a better idea." Bob said with an evil marine grin.
"What could be worse than being eaten alive" ole ape. Grrr asked.
"Who is Jr's God uncle and loves him like a son? Who will see this not only as an insult to Jr but as a personal insult that someone in the business figured that he could do this to his Godson? Who can INSURE with a phone call that the next job that director or any one that even thinks about hiring him will get in Hollywood is being a gofer to the gofer's gofer?" replied Bob"
"Ole Ape" replied Grrr as he reached for his cell phone, "You humans are a young species but boy when it comes to deserved payback are you apes creative!" replied Grrr with an evil T -Rex grin  as he raised his root beer can in salute ." 

To be continued  

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