Monday, November 1, 2021


Hey pal you hit Lotto or what?

Bob went over to Grrr's cave, to find Grrr sitting on a new recliner watching a 120 in HD TV with surround  sound and ALL the stations; He had a root beer kegerator  and handcrafted rootbeer mug. "Hey ya bum" Bob asked "You hit the lotto or what?" Handing Bob a mug of excellent coffee and a box of donuts and  Pointing to a huge stack of ammo, a smart car, a couple of rifles.. a coffee maker  and a crate of coffee and handing Bob a gift card for the history book store Grrr said  " Hiya pal, I got you some stuff too. And I set up charge accounts for Stef and Gretta at their favorite malls"

 "What gives, did you hit the Lotto or go back to acting?" 

"Nothing like that. I  got a new part time gig on the NET..The loot is rolling in. In fact, I could use a colleague 50/50  old ape?" 

 " Before I agree,  what is it? I remember the time you talked me into the exchange dino program.. that dino from China, only he was a dragon and burned the house down.."  said Bob 

"Naw. Nothing like that.  In fact this is a human gig, They dont even know I am a rex. it is all done by the Net.

"So what is it ?" asked Bob 

"I make political analysis..and the loot just rolls in" . replies a grinning Grrr. 

"But. pat since when have Rex given a hang about politics"?

"We dont " replied A happy Grrr

"I dont get it ...1 Bob said

"Pal all you gotta do is tell theses guys what they wanna hear and use big words. I tell ya this beats acting. No script on makeup, nothing. They dont call them talking head for nothing!!!!!

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