Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Bed Bath and a Roar! 

"improve this ..fix that." puffed Grrr as they ran" You apes always gotta monkey around with stuff!' "Yeah? Who invented rootbeer and big screen TV to watch dino movies on and movies? And for that matter?  I am not the guy with a big gas barbecue outside my door!" Puffed Bob. "Ok-ok so you did a few things right! But did ya have the brains to stop while ya were ahead? 
NO! You humans just don't know when to quit!" puffed Grrr in reply
It is all your fault!" roared an angry Grrr at Bob. 
"What did I do now? You rotten reptile' asked Bob as the two pals ran around the block together.
"You or ok, to be fair , your species, had to go and invent things!  NO! You humans just don't know when to quit!" puffed Grrr in reply
As the guys ran around the block, Bob replied; "Alright ya bum. What is on what we laughing call ya mind?"
"Gretta and Stef went to the mall!" replied an angry Grrr.
"This is news? They are always going to the Mall together! 
Oh! I get it. What did Gretta buy or make you DO that you do not like?'
"Make me??MAKE ME? you human guys may be wimps  ruled  
by your mates but not us REX!    I RULE my cave with a iron claw! Why the very idea". 
After about 2 miles, Grrr said " Time out old ape?" Puff Puff " Yep I think we are getting old pal!" replied Bob as he dropped into the bench by Grrr and the guys shared a Gator-aid.....
"So what did she buy pal?' asked Bob.
"She ..it is not what she brought ..well it is but it is just un-dino...I mean it is ok for you humans if you like that sort of thing but we dino? For millions of years..I mean ????????
To be continued.

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