Thursday, September 18, 2014

Grrr is in a Foul Mood.

"I come bearing rootbeer ya rotten reptile."
Bob called.
"Come in pal. I was down to my last can. Sorry about know..bad day."
Tossing Grrr a can and pouring a cup, Bob said " Yeah, I heard ..but it could be worse."
Raising his mighty T-Rex head with a look of interest. "Pal we are talking Oscar here. How could it be worse?"
"Well, what if the part you did had been compared to that French Godzilla? What if every one said it stank?"
"Worse than that French Godzilla??? Gad, I would toss my self into the volcano!" said a shocked Grrr.

"But it did not.  Pal, I know and Gretta knows and Stef knows that your work your art.. is of the finest as is your honor in that you saved a pal. 
You know what Godzilla would have done if he believed that he had disgraced Japan."
With a mighty roar of happiness Grrr said " I never looked at it like that. You know old Ape, your  not as dumb as you look." 

'"Yeah? Well at least my brain is bigger than a walnut." said Bob as the two guys started to yell and chase each other. 
Hearing the yelling and roaring, Gretta and Stef smiled and said. "The boys are at it again. All is well."

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