Monday, December 3, 2012

The new rise of Islam.

The new rise of Islam.
Around 1920, Islam was in decline.
The Middle East had been taken by the Christian French and British, from the  Islamic Ottoman Turks, who took it from Islamic the Arabs, who took it from the Christian East Romans.
Every were things were not looking good, for fundamental  Islamic believers: women were getting freedom, people going to secular schools, Jews and Christians not being kept in line. 
A group called the Muslim Brotherhood ( about 1922 in Egypt) was formed to restore Islamic rule. But they did not have much luck. Most people in the Middle East saw them rather like we see those people who walk around with a "The End Is Near...Repent” short.. nuts.
Yet, despite westernizing things did not seem to be getting better for the Moor in the street.
There was no industrial revolution on any scale in the Middle East.
Everything more complex than a motorcycle had to be imported.  The mass of the people stayed poor and their nations weak.
Six...count them...Islamic armies attacked ,a almost unarmed in comparison, Israel in 1948. and got their heads handed to them. They lost again in 56...66...and 73.
That hurt their warrior pride as men.
Yet, the Islamic states that stayed most devote, example the Saudis, seem to be getting rich, “On oil Allah blessed them with”. Then in Iran in 79, the Ayatollah’s people stormed the US embassy and held Americans in chains for 400 days. Everyone in the Middle East, at first feared the the USA would destroy Iran..skies black with B-52‘s. 
Never happened. Iran got away with it, thanks to Jimmy Carter, and the people of the Middle East had a victory over the greatest of the Christian nations. 
Groups like the Muslim Brotherhood began to see victory via faith in the Koran and Islam had a rebirth. The OPEC oil Boycott of the 70‘s almost brought the Christian West to it’s knees and old allies began to turn on Israel and force them to return captured land to the Arabs. Christians are being killed in the thousands in places like Sudan, once a British army would have landed to defend them and sort things out....Now?..Allah Akbar and death to the Nazarene!!
In this climate, the Arab Spring had to bring to power people like the Muslim Brotherhood.
Who put them in power? Who started the “Arab Spring?" Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama.
The women, Jews, and Christians in the Middle East may soon have reason not to be too pleased with them.
The goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is to restore the Islamic Empire and expand it.
No secret, they will be happy to tell anyone..honest about it.
The only people who don’t seem to see it are the pols in D.C.

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