Thursday, June 21, 2012

Teaching Idea of the day. Part lll
The test bank.
Now that we have the computer it is simple to create a bank of tests with several different copies of each test.
You will almost always have several students absent on a test day.
For some there is a good reason. 
Others have chronic "testittis" that is they are "SICK" every test day.
It is not fair to the other students to give the same test several days later to the absent kid.
More.. some absent kids will ask their friends what was on the test and in 90% of cases their friends WILL tell them.
Yeah, I know. They are not supposed to do that.
Question? If you were 12 or 13 and a person who had been YOUR friend since K asked YOU what was on the test, what would YOU say?????? HUMMMMMM
So spare everyone the temptation.
Let the students and the parents KNOW that there are several different copies of all tests and the questions are NOT all the same or in the same order, and that an absent student will get a different test.

Be sure to save your test bank to a flash drive or disk...and check that it did save. Your HD will die when you least expect it.

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