Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Zombie movies ...


Vlad, the Vampire was talking with Grrr.
“I tell you,Grrr, der movie business iss kaput.”
“In our day, ve were artists, der craft meant something! Now, it iss der zombie thiss und der zombie that. It is enough to make you want to return to der old earthbox and sleep for a century or two und I vould too; but vhen I avoke, I fear, it vould be vorse .”
“Tell me about it.” replied an agreeing Grrr.
“You went to school when we were in the business." Replied Grrr. "you studied the old pros, every movement of your claw or twitch of your tail was meant to convey the mood to the audience. Gretta and I practiced a five minute shot for days getting our parts just right.
Now? A bunch of extras in torn clothes with a bit of dirt and plastic blood is a movie....”

Walking up  to Vlad and Grrr,  Bob said "Hi fellas, you guys were actors, can you explain zombie stuff to me I don't get Zombi.."
With a scream of rage, Vlad fangs extended, flew for Bob's throat .
As Bob stepped aside, Grrr grabbed Vlad.
 "Cool off pal, that is Bob you are trying to bite!"
Regaining control, Vlad said.
"Forgive me mine friend... but the very sound of that vord..."
Grrr put in, "Nothing personal Bob, but you gotta understand, we were actors and Vlad was on the top for 70 or 80 years.  " A"  list .  Bela and Boris studied his work.
To see what the craft has fallen to, well for a sensitive artist like Vlad, it is just too much."

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