Sunday, October 3, 2021

You dont play with an angry shark


"Ole Ape" replied Grrr as he reached for his cell phone, "You humans are a young species. But boy, when it comes to deserved payback, you apes are creative!" replied Grrr with an evil T -Rex grin as he raised his root beer can in salute ."
A ring or so later Bruce the Shark answered  Grrr's phone.
"Grrr! My Boy! How are you and  how is the family and your human friends?" 
"They are well pal. How are things with you?" replied Grrr.
" At my age?, If you are still here to be asked, it is good" replied a happy shark.
I heard about Jr and the Kong film.  Kids! What can you say?  When the acting bug bites.
Still I was surprised..I did not think that know." Bruce replied sadly.
"That is what I am calling about pal, I don't think he  knew what he was getting into."  Replied Grrr.
'So? " Tell..tell"  asked Bruce 
As Grrr told the story, he could hear the water in Bruce's tank began to bubble and that is NEVER a good sign.
"So? To My Godson they do this ? But  to be fair justice we must do.  Wait by the phone 5 minutes no longer.  A few calls I gotta make!" said Bruce as he hung up.
"How did it go old reptile?" asked Bob.
"You know Bruce. The soul of fairness. He is calling around. Have a donut and coffee. This won't  take long."  Answered Grrr.
Five minutes later the phone rang.
Grrr could hear the pool churning in the background. 
"Never in my life!  90 years in the business! In my day, sure we wanted to make money.  No money no films But honesty..truth. How can you make good art..make good film, if you are are swine? Where is the heart?  Have you seen the  stuff they make today,? Zombies and remakes of remakes and not even good remakes.The craft is dying.
But this low?  Never have I even heard! ..The boy told the truth. He was told that the fight was just a setup shot and never given a script and innocent boy that he is, he trusted!  Worse they billed him as The son of "REX FROM JP." But never paid him..
An intern they said working for the experience. But the pay of a star was in the budget ! From there to the director and producer's pockets  it went!  
By all reports the boy did good work. The camera likes him. You know how important that is. If he wants to come back. The word is now out that he is  handled by the Shark agency as only the best are". said Bruce the Shark. 
 As for the smuck  director and his fink producers, the ONLY way they get get near a movie from now on is if they buy a ticket!"   

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