Sunday, September 5, 2021

Elections and political reality


Dino and political reality

")()(*()**&%%$%%^%%$%%&" said an angry Bob.
Sticking his green reptilian head in the door Grrr asked: " Everything ok pal?"
"What? Oh hello Grrr, yeah pal everything is OK. I was just reading the News."
"Pal I gotta ask. Why do you humans read the paper, I mean except for the comics, I cannot see any reason for it. All it does is make ya go Jurassic? "
"Well, unlike you dinos, We humans pick our leaders by voting, so we gotta stay informed." replied Bob with pride.
"Well, if you humans picked them, why are you always so upset with them?"
Asked Grrr.
"Well, pal sometimes pols don't do what they say and we humans gotta know."
"But, I was reading that you humans keep re electing the same pols time after time?"
"Well, yes. You see experience and seniority are important in our political system." answered Bob
"So." replied Grrr "You humans elect other humans to power who don't keep their word to you then you read of it in the paper, get mad and then go out and reelect the same humans?"
"Boy, then you make cracks about us dinos having small brains!"
Replied Grrr with an evil T- Rex grin.

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